Sanrio Puroland!

サンリオ、サンリオピューロランド、キティちゃん、ハローキティ、Sanrio, Puroland, Hello Kitty, みんな仲良く、planting seeds, 種を蒔く

When I was a kid, I was unified with Sanrio. The love of Sanrio started when cousin twin sisters bought me a canteen of ‘Little Twin Stars’ for celebrating that I entered kindergarten at the age of 3. Just noticed so yesterday. Pink round tough bottle, it was. When it got dirty, mother did bleaching. And I used it until 10 or so. Time went by and I came to consider Sanrio in Master’s thesis, wonders of life continues.

子供の頃、サンリオと一体化して生きていた。幼稚園に入園した三歳の頃に、双子の従姉妹のお姉ちゃん達がお祝いに買ってくれた『キキとララ(Little Twin Stars) 』の水筒が全ての始まりだったのだと、つい昨日気がついた。ピンクの丸っこい丈夫な水筒で、汚れが目立つ様になると母が漂白剤に浸してきれいにしてくれて、十歳くらいまで使っていた。そして年月は流れ、修士論文でサンリオのことを取り上げることになり、人生の不思議は続いてゆく。

Last year I had a pilgrimage to the Shosoin, and for next it’s Sanrio. So the next day of the Defense of the Master’s course, I visited Sanrio Puroland. It was 30 minutes ride from Shinjuku, and I reached at Keio Tama Center station. There, the world of Sanrio welcomed me with open arms.


Childhood happy memories rushing in one after another, so very exciting and my spirit is up high. Memories of Sanrio are bubbling up like a fountain. It should be the same as all girls and girls at heart in Japan.


Little girls, high school girls, college girls, and adults, they looked all in euphoric state as if in a dream. The time immersed into the Kawaii gentle Sanrio world is the time of haven, retreat from the harsh reality.


When in elementary school, I used to bring around Sanrio collection in a paper bag, showing off and bragging up to people I know. Among them, bandaids were my treasure. Having various kinds exchanged with friends or ones I bought, putting them all on the floor and feeling euphoria. I remember mother was once said from friend’s mother “Aya chan loves bandaids!” Bandaids are so Kawaii! Oh, how come so Kawaii?


Hello Kitty alarm clock, Snoopy sports bag, Hello Kitty Game Watch, Bright red Hello Kitty purse, Maron Cream toiletry bag and tooth brush set, Little Twin Stars picture book, My Melody stickers, Eddy & Emmy canned pen case, my favorites back in the days that brought me happy joyful spirit each time I looked at.


And the atmosphere of Sanrio Shop that I used to go often when in elementary school hasn’t changed a bit. So glad to know that.


Lunch was Hello Kitty curry and oolong tea. The paper sheet I brought back home and tucked into a notebook for Master’s thesis planning. While soaking in the dreamy kingdom, I opened a notepad and jotted down ideas for the blog article. Feeling blissful.


And the restroom was also amazingly Kawaii.


If I were an elementary school kid, I would sure to dream of having such a bathroom at home.


And here comes the main event of Puroland, time for the parade.


Everyone sings and dances joyfully saying Kawaii, then the Queen of the Darkness descends and tries to destroy all, saying “I hate light, I love darkness!” Then there was a shout “We must revenge!” and Hello Kitty stands up high. “Don’t say such a thing! Never revenge! Our heart is the same. We live along helping one another. Let’s get along well!”


I was assuming the plot will go like that, even I expected so, tears came up by the words of Kitty chan. Kawaii is not being naive. Kawaii is hope. And I thought about seeds planted for little ones. And the seeds Sanrio planted for me.


We all know it’s extremely difficult to get along well with everyone. It’s a piece of cake to criticize someone or even revenge. However, what can we do to get along with one another? If it’s impossible, it’s wise to stay away. But never revenge for your own sake. I was recalling all the tortures along the way of creating Japanography. The sufferings, the agonies, they were literally persecutions. And the words of Kitty chan came up close.


But we must endeavor sharing wisdoms in order not to demolish this world. And there are little ones receiving words of Kitty chan at heart, the little ones will nurture them to grow big. It is nothing but hope.


Love and Peace…

Shosoin, Ancient Treasure Repository

My Cooking Journal

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