Okamoto Taro Museum

Okamoto Taro, 岡本太郎、芸術は爆発だ、天才、gifted, talented, artist, Japanese pop culture, ポップカルチャー、前衛芸術家、avant-garde, 岡本太郎記念館

Visited Okamoto Taro museum located in Aoyama, Tokyo. This place was a residence of Taro until his later years that was remodeled later on. In the art studio there was floating atmosphere as if spirit of Taro was still wandering around. Had a feeling I absentmindedly opened up a door to another world. Sounds of cicadas buzzing, and sweat oozing up in the midsummer heat, I found a shade of a cool spot. And went into the bush shadow, then explored the path of Okamoto Taro plowed through.


The words “Art is exploding!” and Taro are often associated automatically among many of Japanese. He was appearing on media frequently, and many people linking Okamoto Taro with a genius. He was born to Ippei, the most famous manga artist of Japan and Kanoko, the novelist who was burdened with excruciating emotions. Taro was destined to be an artist by birth.


However, I was never fond of him specially nor specifically. Frankly speaking, I was always thinking he was so theatrical, like an actor performing on a stage. He was believing in the genius of himself by fate, and while he was playing a role of genius, complete genius spirit has descended on him. That was what I was sensing.


It was partly because the art works of Taro never bring me distinguished sense of wonder each time I see. But the heaps of Taro’s works are huge, so by just seeing the famous “The Tower of The Sun” or few of other works that I know of are not covering whole his achievement nor approaching to the core value. So my review can be nonsense. It is the matter of taste whether I like it or not, just intuition is telling me so.


Paintings of Taro’s are undoubtedly vivid and striking, but they don’t at all press hard on me deep down with inevitable force. Even though, he was an avant-garde artist and you can see his remarkable influence on later anime culture and pop culture of Japan quite certainly.


Therefore, if I pretend I knew everything and put aside him as a theatrical stage actor and not wiling to learn his life path, it is such a huge waste. I was actually attracted to the icon of Okamoto Taro and paid a visit all the way to Aoyama, Tokyo. The fact is nothing but the evidence of Taro’s mystic, alluring, enigmatic, and unearthly charm is twining me.


Lots of goods of pop artist Taro were sold. Picked up a miniature of “The Tower of The Sun” but put it back to the shelf as the taste doesn’t match my interior. And I bought a book written by Taro that says “Youth is forever bright and forever dark.” on the cover. The youth of Taro spent 10 years in Paris was written so beautifully.


Taro was indeed a painter, but the logos of his was more gifted and they come close to me near and near vigorously and intensely. He inherited the blood of mother Kanoko and the mighty emotional power was almost uncontrollable beating drastically, and the force he broke up barriers was nothing but his art.


Taro was such a conceited and puffed up little boy challenging teachers and so true to himself. And reminding the fact that it was permitted. Of course, to carry on the life philosophy was continuous struggle.


He was always seeking for something beyond his own skin, and holding the fierce power inside of him. And the fervent drive kept on burning like a fireball. Taro was able to realize himself with exceptional intellectual curiosity, ability to take action, intellect, and sense of self-branding.


The life that enabled to realize himself 300% was the one solely few of chosen could embody. Though, it seems there was no catastrophic nature that bona-fide genius Natsume Soseki or Goethe were inevitably fated. Taro is emitting piercing light that was yielded by one healthy and strong nature.


And what is sheerly surprising is that Taro is not dark. There is no gloomy dimness. Surely there are plenty of odd and ominous works, but there are no sly treacherous works that is fermenting deep inside. It can be a miracle in a sense. There is one healthy life that is glittering vividly.


This is my point of view, and there should be many others who don’t agree with me. Countless folks have their own perspective for Taro. The work of artist completes with death, and Taro lived a long life of 84 years. It passed more than quarter a century after he passed away, and now that the works of Okamoto Taro and his life path became public asset. They are still casting us provoking complicated and contradicted emotions.


In order to write this article, I borrowed 6 Okamoto Taro related books at a library, and read through. And this Japanography that I’m creating adopts a principle to go visit the actual place, take photos by oneself, read related books, and write based on one’s viewpoint connecting to something objective and universal, and write bilingual article with own efforts. I pray Japanography spreads all over the world and become a mental food worth challenging, and benefit for all. Pandora’s box of Chat GPT is so boring and unwelcoming.

今回、岡本太郎について記事を書く為に図書館で本を6冊借りて来て、色々と読んで考察を深めた。そして、私が作っているジャパノグラフィーは、実際に現地に足を運び、写真を撮り、参考文献を読み、自分の視点を基軸にしつつも客観的普遍的なものへつなげて、バイリンガルで自力で書く方針を採用している。ジャパノグラフィーが世界中に広がり、人々の挑戦し甲斐ある糧となり、そして益へとなって行きます様に。Chat GPTなんぞと言うパンドラの匣は、はなからお呼びじゃないのだ。

Love and Peace!

『一平 かの子-心に生きる凄い父母』岡本太郎、チクマ秀版社、平成7年初版
『岡本太郎の絵本 あいしてる』岡本太郎、小学館、1999年
『連続講座 岡本太郎と語る ’01/’02』岡本太郎記念館、二玄社、2003年初版

Tokyo Serious Foodies

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