Nestling Art for Autumn

芸術の秋、art and autumn, 鍵棒編み、crocheting, 座布団カバー、パソコンカバー、小さな自分のアート作品、巣作り、お家を整える、お家をアートに、生活芸術、お家ご飯

Autumn breeze making the world cooling off, and creativity is getting tickled. Rather than pursuing Japanography further, I was more motivated to make something physical by using hands. I wanted to make something beautiful, something that makes me joyful. So and so, I bought yarns finding time in between work schedule, then avidly crocheting for 4 days in a row. Once I get enthusiastic, it’s always hard to stop on the way.


Firstly, made these 2 cushion covers.


I’m interested in anything and everything, and self-taught crocheting. Making sure the basic skill on a book and a movie, and I learn while practicing. Reading a graph plan can be difficult, but reasoning while moving fingers can be easier. First learn the basic, then step forward by making trial and errors. And you are developing your own way. By actually using body to master something can be very precious. Never underestimate the physical intelligence.


I thought the round motif is so Kawaii, and next I designed PC cover adding up some gimmicks. Uniting 6 circles of autumn colors resonating with warmth and classiness.


So lovely. Something Kawaii makes you happy whenever seeing.


Visiting art museums is my lifework, and finding something inspiring each time I pay a visit. There are hints of inspiration so richly without making a sound. And I contemplate about creating my own art while confronting with art pieces. And last weekend, when I was appreciating a piece that is combing painting and sewing, AHA moment fell on me. Oh yes, I transform my home to be a place of life art.


Something I made using hands, things I got back home after visiting various places in and out of Japan, clothes and shoes and purses and furniture. And half a century old kitchen utensils I received from mother attained extra value as antique quality after polishing up neatly. The mixture of old and new flavoring with warmth and sophistication, and I formulate my own coloring. This is the practice of life art.


Nestling home, getting organized neatly and cozily, decorating handmade works and favorite selections of your own, I believe ladies are in love with such activity instinctively. We are like birds collecting materials from various places and making comfy lovely nestle of our own. And cook delicious meals every day.


Creating something beautiful using own hands and appreciating entirely is so pleasing and rejoicing.


Love and Peace!

Hidden Christian Heritage

Japanese History Catalogue

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