My Japanese Cooking!

Japanese cooking, 和食、毎日の料理、小石原焼き、Kawaii, カワイイ食器、ポーランドの器、Polish pottery, Japanese pottery, healthy Japanese diet

<simmered squid and taro, sea bream sashimi with green onion and ginger, egg role with green onion, rice, and roasted green tea/ イカと里芋の煮物、鯛と小ネギと生姜の漬け、ネギ卵焼き、白ごはん、ほうじ茶>

Today, I’d like to introduce my everyday cooking mainly Japanese traditional Washoku. I love handcrafted pottery and often go visit potters. We use Koishiwara pottery often. Gazing into warmth and loveliness of handcrafts and the moment appreciating the beauty is sheer joy.


<fried horse mackerel, cabbage salad, deep fired eggplant soaking in Dashi broth, rice with green pepper Koji paste, and roasted green tea/ アジフライ、キャベツの千切り、茄子の煮浸し、ご飯とピーマン麹味噌、ほうじ茶>

Culinary culture of pottery culture, everyday Washoku cooking, cuisines from all over the world, shopping at eat local food market, weekly grocery shopping, collecting cook books, eating out, table coordinating, spending time with loved ones with good foods, I love all the workings of eating deeply. I spend about 40 minutes for cooking dinner each day. Rice gets cooked in 45 minutes, meanwhile I cook and wash dishes.


<dried bamboo shoot, Wakame seaweed, egg role with green onion, Chikuwa fish cake on top of Udon noodle, rice ball, citrus, and roasted green tea/ 干し筍、わかめ、ネギ卵焼き、ちくわをのせたうどん、紫蘇おにぎり、カボス、ほうじ茶>

<pickled green leaf, simmered chicken and fired tofu and daikon radish, soup with mushrooms and egg, rice, and roasted green tea/ 小松菜と大根葉の浅漬け、鶏肉と厚揚げと大根の煮物、しめじと榎の卵吸い物、白ごはん、ほうじ茶>

<added boiled egg and simmered in the stock with the day before main dish, added Mitsuba leaf to the day before soup, rice ball, and roasted green tea/ 前日の煮物に煮卵を追加、紫蘇おにぎり、前日のお吸い物に三つ葉を追加、ほうじ茶>

<French toast with maple syrup, cafe latte/ フレンチトーストとメイプルシロップ、カフェラテ >

Dropped by Christmas Market held at Hakata station square for the weekend.


Polish pottery vender lured us. Not highly industrialized and refined pottery like that of France or Germany or Finland, but throughly appreciated handmade pottery one by one. Not sophistication, but country side Europe coloring warmth is oozing out. So Kawaii and I cherished each piece.


Night falls, and the drunk people get excited with music on the stage. Nice and peaceful.


Polish pottery. Hand painted patterns are far from perfection that has zero flaws. So warm and dear, the lines are shaking at times. And cuteness of Kawaii is the spirit of sincere dedication. Since I research Kawaii in my studies, and I was pondering so.


Love and Peace!

Mintpedia & fashion education

WACOM and history of writing

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