Several months ago, I paid a visit to Mucha art exhibition. Alfons Mucha (1860-1939) was born in Czech and had a huge success in Paris, the standard bearer of art nouveau. He was widely dealing with graphic design and contributed immensely for merchandizing design such as cookie box or perfume bottle or calendar, the forefront of multi-artist.
数ヶ月前に、ミュシャ展へ行って来た。アルフォンス・ミュシャ (1860-1939) は、チェコ生まれでパリで大活躍したアールヌーボーの旗手であり、グラフィックデザインも広く手掛け、お菓子の箱や香水瓶やカレンダーなどの商業デザインにも功績を残した、マルチアーティストの先駆けでもあった人物だ。
*art nouveau; a style of decorative art and architecture popular in Europe and the US at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century that uses complicated designs and curved patterns based on natural shapes like leaves and flowers. (OXFORD ADVANCED LEANER’S Dictionary)

Many of Mucha’s designs were printed and generally purposed, caught an eye on people around the world. The sweet, nostalgic, and romantic designs were linked with people’s long lost transient and ephemeral memories. Quite a few of ladies are fond of the world of Mucha’s.

I was walking in the venue, wandering around as always and comparing this or that. Out of the blue, one thought came up with me. We are not just a passive being perceiving culture and art, but we act on culture and art, then create something beautiful. We benefit encouragement, healing, and hope for living from them.

Appreciating beauty doesn’t make our stomach full. The reality of severe labor and beautiful dreams are not directly linking together. The world is harsh, people are getting narrow-minded, lies are rampant, and faithful ones are hard to find. But not giving in there, we use our own hands, elaborate with creativity, and produce graceful and exquisite art works. By showing them one another, we weaved the art history.

The nature of art is to release our sorrows, delight, or unspeakable yearnings. To sublimate our soul one step higher. With the act of art creation, we heal our heart one another. From the beginning of history, the practice of creation has been the root of our workings.
芸術は心の苦しみや歓喜や声にならない叫びを解放し、魂を一つ上の段階へと 昇華させるもので、芸術を作るという行為により私たちは互いの心を慰め合って来た。有史以来、物づくりは人間の営みの根幹であり続けて来た。

Reading the catalogue I bought, the style of Mucha curving outlines thickly and elegant female figures were welcomed by the time of the Japanese romanticism trend. And it gave a huge influence on Girls Manga, according to one analysis. Quite surely, Mucha’s style beautiful girls can be found in the mainstream of Girls Manga of decades ago. Japanese culture and foreign culture are interacting and intertwining one another. And the sophistication was yielded. Connecting history and culture vertically and horizontally while pondering is filled with intellectual enjoyment.

And here I’d like to notify the origin of Girls Manga of Japan. Generally speaking, Girls Manga is a manga created by female manga artist targeting girl readers. The history dates back to Heian Era of 8th to 11th century, The Tale of Genji Emaki scroll of the national treasure. The art works created by ladies in the art studio back in the days were painted with pigments extracted from stones, rocks, or plants. Surveys found out that they were created taking long time with transcendental techniques.
そして、日本の少女漫画の起源について一つ書いておきたい。例外はあるものの、少女漫画は女性漫画家が読者に女子を想定して描く漫画のことで、その歴史は平安時代 に描かれた国宝源氏物語絵巻にまで遡ると言う。当時の平安朝の女たちが工房で描いた女絵と言われるものは、石や岩などの鉱物や植物から抽出した顔料を用いて描かれており、非常に長い時間をかけて超絶技巧が施されて描かれたものであると、研究で分かっている。

After the ancient period of 1,000 years, the beauty survived and not damaged at all. It is a supreme miracle. The present style manga studio for Girls Manga artist and her assistants is modeled after the ancient art studio that was incredibly severe and tough.

Thirst for something beautiful. The world is filled with fake beauty, so the drive for sheer value is even urgent. Beauty harbors healing, emancipation, hope, power, and love. However, to produce something truly beautiful stands in the opposite pole of easiness. You must pay a price for battling with agonies and torments when facing with creation.

And even someone with strong belief and sense of mission is ceaselessly forced to confront with the fluid and cruel reality: talent, luck, and the trend of time. And very few of those beautiful flowers who survived all with blessings can become a legend, loved all through the period.

Love and Peace…
「ミュシャ展 マルチ・アーティストの先駆者」毎日放送制作発行、2023、(図録)
「よみがえる源氏物語絵巻 全巻復元に挑む」NHK名古屋「よみがえる源氏物語絵巻」取材班、NHK出版、2006年