Visited Manga Museum near Kokura station. Kokura is where manga artist Matsumoto Reiji who created ‘Galaxy Express 999’ and other famous artists were raised. ‘Galaxy Express 999’ crazed kids in the 80’s. Since Meiji era industrial revolution, high economic growth period, the occupation army, pollutions, all the miscellaneous power has been assorted and transformed into pop culture. Now when waiting for a bullet train in Kokura station, you hear melody of ‘Galaxy Express 999’ for each departure. You come to feel heading for the galaxy trip, it’s exhilarating.

Currently, Kokura is having a campaign to revitalize the city with works of Matsumoto Reiji, the museum has his section. When watching anime of ‘Galaxy Express 999’ about history of Kitakyushu, Metel and Tetsuro were lost in ‘Library of Time’. The ‘Library of Time’ is a ginormous library collecting all sorts of books ranging over any era and place.
While watching the anime, I was indulged in the idea of ‘Library of Time’. ‘The mankind has been dreaming of a library collecting all books, a library all intellect of human beings is accumulated, since Alexandria Library of B.C. 300.’ Mizumura Minae wrote in her book. And the dream was gradually coming true with the advancement of internet and other technology.

It is the dream of human to read, see, and feel a book that is edited beautifully, that all kinds of information is organized into knowledge. And now it is progressing to construct the gigantic library on the internet. It is a national project and constantly moving forward all around the globe. And this blog is in part of the project. I’m proud, yet feel humble that I must carry on a meaningful task.

Have a look at the top picture, the museum showcased the square illustration pieces made by manga artists from Kitakyushu. Oh, I know this picture! Oh, the boxing manga! The dog manga! Cooking papa! Oh, City Hunter! It was fun seeing each. It’s evident creating gigantic library on the net is good, yet the genuine experience of seeing the physical items is absolutely much more precious and fruitful. That’s the power of museum.

This is reproduction of a manga artist workplace some time ago. Now manga is mainly created by digital pen, and the old fashioned style is relic of the past. However, the brutal workload of manga artist is still the same. Manga assistant income is so low that one can’t make ends meet. And even one gets popularity, deadline is chasing after nonstop. Sleeping is getting scarce and death due to overwork is not seldom.

Tezuka Osamu, the god of manga is writing nothing but the truth in ‘Manga Kyoshitsu’ introducing the work and backstage of manga.
‘When good at drawing, the one thinks s/he can become manga artist soon. But good drawing only has no value if not having good ideas. And if you come up with good ideas, write to the editor of a manga magazine. Don’t feel shy, show them your friends and ask for comments.’
「ちょっとえがかけると、すぐ漫画家になれるとおもう人がいます だが えばかりうまくたって おもしろい案が出ないなら なんのねうちもない 案が出たら、えんりょしないで どしどし ざっしに投書してみる はずかしがらずに友だちに どんどんみせて ひひょうをきく」
‘Send scripts to a master, if live close by go visit to the master to show. But not a good idea to live in the master’s house. In some point, you must establish your own style leaving mimic style of the master.’
「先生のところへ げんこうをおくったり ちかければ みていただきにゆく でも、先生のところへすみこんで弟子になることは なるべく やめたほうがよろすい いいかげんで 先生の画風からぬけだして、じぶんどくとくのえに してゆく」
‘Then a manga magazine will find you and ask you to make scripts thinking your style interesting. Then dedicate yourself to make a masterpiece. Redraw time again. You need to suffer more than 5 years to be independent. And 20 years of perseverance to become a top notch artist.’
「これはかわったあたらしい画風だおもしろい!とざっし社が君を見つけてげんこうをたのむようになる そのときこそ君は一心ふらんにけっさくをかく なんかいもかきなおすこと こうして、一人前の漫画家になるには五年いじょう くしんしなければならない、有名な一流画家には二十年もの努力がいる」
‘But the one who can make a living by manga artist is only one in one thousand. So I speak to you all, it’s wise to draw manga as a hobby.’
「しかもほんとに せいこうして漫画を職業でやっていく人は千人に一人ぐらいである だから、しょくんはなるべく、しゅみで漫画を書いたほうがよろすいな」

The advice is the gold, not to be a manga artist but enjoy as a hobby. Superficially amusing path is the path of steep and piercing animal trail. Though, there are countless youngsters lost in the forest of afflicting. The sacrifice and devotion of throwing life away transformed into benevolence for manga culture. It was layered thick and dense, and now Japanese style manga/ anime are pandemic and astonishingly influential. It is hard to find a youngster who doesn’t know Dragon Ball or One Piece around the globe.
Japanese style manga is now created locally in Korea, China, Taiwan, US, Canada, France, Belgium, Australia, and more. Foreign produced manga of Japanese translation I read, and the content was very familiar Japanese manga. Manga culture is so complicated and entangled. It is miniature of life and history of human beings. So true, so true.
Love and Peace…
『増補 日本語が亡びるとき−英語の世紀の中で』水村美苗、筑摩書房、2015年