Currently, I’m studying Japanese culture in Master’s course in university of Kyoto. Some of the classmates are tackling with the Art of Flower Arrangement. As of myself, I’ve never learned Ikebana, and didn’t even know that there exists the Philosophy of Flower Arrangement. However, since this spring I’ve been contemplating the meaning of the beauty of wild flowers and the act of arranging them. Here I want to write about it.
Even though I say contemplating, I have very shallow knowledge regarding the Flower Arrangement, and I’m not a practitioner. Therefore, I’m just thinking all by myself freely. But it’s still amusing to think with my own interpretation.
“There exist beautiful (wild) flowers and arrange them at one’s place by cutting them, and appreciate the beauty while pondering the meaning of the act”, describing the Philosophy of Flower Arrangement in short in my recognition. No more, no less. In spite of that, I keep thinking about the Art of Flower Arrangement. It is almost impossible to explain sufficiently, but keep seeking for the meaning that attracts inevitably is the whole working of philosophy, I suppose.

This time I visited Rokkakudo Buddhist Temple in Kyoto, the birthplace of the Art of Flower Arrangement; Ikebana. Walked around the temple, looked it up from the next-by cafe, and looked it down from the elevator of the next-by building. By visiting Rokkakudo, I was able to see the history of the Flower Arrangement closely that was lifted into art during 1532-1555. I’m so grateful that I was able to witness the culture of “arranging flowers” that spread from this very place. Learning something new is rejoicing.

It is said the beginning of the Art of Flower Arrangement is from decorating flowers for Buddhist altars. The originator; the Monk Ikenobo Sennoh described it as “By seeing glimpses of beauty in the fields and the water sides as they are, represent them at one’s residence”. It is the genesis of arranging beautiful flowers as a school of art.
I deeply admire Lady Sei Shonagon; the pioneer of essayist. She wrote about flowers frequently in ‘Makura no Soshi’ (completed around 1002). In the chapter 35, “Regarding blossoms, plums are superb, both deep color and pale color. Cherry blossoms have big petals, with deep colored leaves and thin branches. Wisteria blossoms bloom long bunches with vivid purple, so auspicious. ” she wrote. And in the chapter 21, “Under the railing, settled a big blue vase and decorated lots of utterly charming cherry blossoms of 1.5 meters, they bloomed so elegantly over the railing in the afternoon.” depicted the sight so graciously. The Heian era (794~1192) aristocrats cherished exquisite culture, they sure favored arranging beautiful flowers.
私が愛してやまない清少納言は、枕草子(成立は1002年頃)で花について様々なことを書き残している。第三五段では「木の花は 濃きも薄きも、紅梅。桜は、花びら大きに、葉の色濃きが、枝ほそくて咲きたる。藤の花は、しなひ長く、色濃く咲きたる、いとめでたし」と書き、また第二一段では「高欄の元に青きかめの大きなるをすゑて、桜の、いみじうおもしろき枝の五尺ばかりなるを、いとおほくさしたれば、高欄の外まで咲きこぼれたる昼方」と、うららかな描写をしている。雅なる文化を栄えさせた平安貴族も、当然のことながら花を生けて、その美しさをことさら良きものとして愛でていた。
Seeing wild flowers as beautiful, and pick them up and arrange at one’s place. Or “The primeval man in offering the first garland to his maiden thereby transcended the brute. ” Kakuzo Okakura worte in ‘The Book of Tea’ . Or a small kid picks up a flower and present it to his/her beloved mother without being told. I assume that the emotion that one desires to please the loved one is surely included in the background of the Philosophy of Flower Arrangement.
I was associating this or that while seeing classmates study and survey earnestly regarding the Art of Flower Arrangement. The process of the words of flowers “glimpses of beauty” or “as they are” ripened to philosophy transcending the meaning of just something beautiful and good in the eternal history, and many people connected the meaning of life and the act of “arranging flowers” and found values in it, and the emotion that inevitably drove them so. The mix and mingling of all the factors is very intriguing.
In the Art of Flower Arrangement, it matters not just the beauty of flowers but the heart that led there.

This is what I picked up, the unknown wild flowers and Japanese pampas grass of autumn, put in a small Onta Pottery. To create a lovely arrangement using various elaborate flowers is certainly the pursuit of art that amuses eyes. But finding beautiful glimpses in wild flowers when walking, and the heart that arrange them is the very beginning of the Flower Arrangement that started a step to bear fruit as art, I believe.
Love and Peace.
「日本の古典を読む⑧ 枕草子」校訂・訳者 松尾聰・永井和子、小学館、2007
‘THE BOOK OF TEA’ Kakuzo Okakura, Fox, Duffield & Company, 1906