Koinobori carp flags of Boys’ Day

鯉のぼり、端午の節句、杖立温泉、子供の日、Kumamoto, 熊本、Carp Flags, Koinobori, Boys' Festival, Tuitate hot spring resort, 日本一の鯉のぼり、バイリンガル

May 5th is the Boys’ Day, celebrating sound growth of boys in Japan. (March 3rd is Hina Doll Festival to commemorate sound growth of girls. ) In the early summer beautiful day that is in the Golden Week; national holiday week, we went to Kumamoto prefetcure Tuitate hot spring resort to see most beautiful carp flags in Japan swimming up the river.


Thousands of carp going up the river is so stunning, totally worth a journey. There were many tourists and to see baby with parents and small kids running around the river is so soothing. It is widely said that Japan is facing with low birthrate, but there are lots of kids around me, and it’s my big joy to help them grow soundly.


The history of carp flags of the Boys’ Festival goes back in the middle of Edo period (1600-1867). It is known that carp swimming up a fall. They never give in setbacks and go up and up no matter how challenging the situation. There is a wish for boys to be ambitious and brave, I believe. And Koinobori carp flags in general decorating in a garden of a household is a family carp, father, mother, and kids. It is a prayer for a family thriving richly.

端午の節句の鯉のぼりの歴史は、江戸時代 (1600-1867) の中頃にその起源を持つものと言われています。鯉のぼりと言うように、鯉は滝を登ってゆくことでも知られ、その大きな困難にも挫けずに上へと登っていく様に、男の子よ、強くあれ、という願いが込められているのかも知れません。また、一家の庭に泳がせる鯉のぼりは、お父さんの鯉、お母さんの鯉、子供の鯉、と家族になっていて、家族の安寧と繁栄を祈ったものでもあるのでしょう。

Many of tourists stay at the Tuitate hot spring resort by the river. Cool to see people hanging around in Yukata and Tanzen summer kimono and jacket style. A lovely young couple with a baby asked me to take a picture. Daddy shouldered the baby boy and Mommy smiling sweetly, I took photos. Still very young couple seemed to be in their 20s came to see most amazing carp flags in Japan with their baby boy. It is sure to become the beautiful family memory.


Looking up carp flags swimming up, ate french fries bought at a vendor. It was a relaxing and comforting time. Sunset came, so dropped by one of the hot spring. The authentic Japanese style inn had a nice bath facility. Open air bath, bubble bath, cypress sauna, steam bath, and a regular spacious bath. My body and soul was opened up, releasing myself, and tuned up. Especially, cypress sauna and steam bath were superb.


Went outside after washed away the sweat, we shouted out with a nice surprise. The carp in the darkness with lighting up was surrounded with mystic beauty. Feel as if traveling a neighboring country in Asia.


Why not pay a visit to Tuitate hot spring resort during the Golden Week? It’s worth a journey.


Love and Peace!

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