Surrounded with the sounds of cicadas in the midsummer afternoon, here I want to analyze the word of “Kawaii” (cute) in depth.
Nearly 15 years ago, I had an opportunity to meet an exchange student from Mongolia, we went to have dinner and karaoke with some other people. One person showed a picture of a chubby baby. Then the Mongolian guy said “It is indeed Kawaii, so cute. Round, small, and warm all together.” I thought the comment was quite intriguing, since the Japanese word of “Kawaii” can be explained by three words, “round, small, and warm” . The opposite of “Kawaii” will be “stinging, bulky, and cold”. I realized that “Kawaii” is one positive energy.
Nowadays, “Kawaii” is the word that represents Japanese culture and it is widely spread all over the world. Singer Kyary pamyu pamyu is the Kawaii icon of this age. Once I went to pamyu pamyu’s concert and the costumes, stage set, sound effects, and screen movies were utterly Kawaii and mesmerizing. Mix and mingling of something abnormal and Kawaii and sweetness was slightly ominous and odd, but they found the perfect balance. It was combining with something intellectual and quirky also. Conglomerate of Japanese Kawaii of the 21st century as it was. And here the concept of “Kawaii; round, small, and warm” has transformed into something different.
Kyary pamyu pamyu Wikipedia
I personally think the word “Kawaii” is inseparable with a relatively new Japanese word “moeru ≒ sprouting”. Combination of a little odd things brings me this emotion. For instance, when an old man and an old dog taking a walk together a bit unsteadily, that kind of Kawaii strikes me so fiercely. I believe each one of us have special fondness that touches our heartstring. And we cherish the feeling of Kawaii. In my case, I sense that there exists warm heartfelt exchange between the two, and my heart rejoices by capturing it.
Lately, I’m attracted to Japanese traditional accessaries so much. Probably because I study in the ancient capital of Kyoto, and ponder over Japanese culture and history day and night.

Name card case of kimono cloth that bought in Kyoto station.

Bamboo ornament of a cow bought in Arashiyama, Kyoto. Brings you much treasure.

Bamboo booklet from the same bamboo craft shop. Maiko; dancing girl of Kyoto is adorable.
Sei Shonagon who was the pioneer of an essayist more than 1,000 years ago wrote a list of Kawaii in “The Pillow Book”.
Something Kawaii; a face of a kid drawn on a melon. A baby sparrow comes dancing when made a sound like a mouse “chuu chuu”. A toddler 2 or 3 comes crawling in a rush and finds a tiny dust on the way, notices it quickly and picks it up with adorable fingers and shows it to adults, so Kawaii. A little girl with shoulder length hair seeing things tilting without touching the hair covering the eyes, so Kawaii.
うつくしきもの 瓜にかきたるちごの顔。雀の子のねず鳴きするにをどり来る。二つ三つばかりなるちごの、いそぎて這ひ来る道に、いと小さき塵のありけるを、目ざとに見つけて、いとをかしげなる指にとらへて、大人ごとに見せたる、いとうつくし。頭はあまそぎなるちごの、目に髪のおほへるを、かきはやらで、うちかたぶきて物など見たるも、うつくし。
かわいらしいもの 瓜に描いてある幼児の顔。雀の子が、鼠鳴き(ちゅっちゅっと声を出す)をして呼ぶと、踊るようにして来るの。二歳か三歳ぐらいの幼児が、急いで這って来る道に、とても小さいごみのあったのを目ざとく見つけて、とても愛らしげな指でつかんで大人たちに見せているのは、とてもかわいらしい。髪は尼そぎ(肩のあたりで切りそろえた髪型)にそいである幼女が、目に髪がかぶさっているのをかき除けないで、顔を傾けて物など見ているのも、とてもかわいらしい。
Feel reminiscent that I studied this Classical Literature in high school.
And in Japanese, when you say “You are cute.” to someone, it implies “I have good feelings toward you, I’m not your enemy.” Many of Japanese are shy in general, so people tend to answer “No, I’m not.” as a response. But deep inside, the person feels so glad.
Having a cynical perspective, the word Kawaii can be used for trivializing a thing or a person when scorns for the object. But this is another story, so I’d like to put it aside.
When I had a trip to Taiwan, I said to girl clerks who spoke Japanese so well, “You are so Kawaii!” They made a big big smile and so glad to be said so, and answered me back, “Thank you so much!!!” Indeed the girls were radiant and Kawaii. “Kawaii” can be the almighty catchword and it’s the best to use it as often as you can and make people happy. And in Japan, we sometimes say “Kawaii” to men. And you know what? Not few of them feel happy to be said so.
In this dark despair age, the word “Kawaii” can be a hope, and hope dwells in the spirit of “Kawaii”. I’m immersed in the thought.
Love and Peace with Kawaii!
「日本の古典を読む⑧ 枕草子」校訂・役者 松尾聰・永井和子、株式会社小学館、2007