Farewell, 2021! Hello, 2022!

レコード大賞、坂口恭平、love and peace, survive through, don't die, live along, 生きよう、にほんご、learning Japanese, JPOP, YOASOBI

2021 is going away and 2022 is coming soon. Now it’s midnight of New Year’s Eve, writing this last blog article of the year. Just a few hours ago, I turned on TV first time in a long time and was watching end of the year “Japan Record Awards” attentively.


It’s worthless singing something hopeless since there’s already no hope. In this daunting world, it’s waste of time to spit out and sing dark emotions. It’s much healthier to take a nap or chat with a friend joking silliest things and burst out laughter. Reading back your favorite manga or magazines, or flipping through albums reminiscing good old days can be your medicine for your heart.


Thousands of bullsXXX in this world, but my mind was cleansed by singers performance agonizing and protesting, trying to seek for light of hope. “It’s so nice to see young girls practice hard and sing and dance dedicatedly as they can ever express.” I was commenting like an middle-aged man, ha! The vibes were contagious and I got excited as well. Absolutely, YOASOBI’s songs were the best. Not only the songs but the singing of IKURA chan fully explained the reason why they are enormously popular among youngsters. They are seeking for hope from despair with struggles and pains, the music quality is remarkable.

大馬鹿野郎なことが多い世の中に、もがきながら、抗いながら、少しでも希望の光を求めて行こうと歌う歌手たちの姿に、私は心が洗われた。「若い女の子が一生懸命に歌って、踊って、練習重ねて、頑張っている姿を見るのがいい。」など、オジさんの様な発言をしながら、今年一番の大舞台を務める歌い手たちの魂を込めた熱唱に、こちらも熱くなっていた。私は断然、YOASOBI が良いと思った。楽曲と、IKURAちゃんの歌唱力と、絶望に苦しみながらも希望を探してゆく世界観と、その出来栄えの素晴らしさに、若者たちに絶大な人気を誇る理由を見た。

Music and art are like accompanists that support our daily lives. It is necessary for us. Like chocolate you want to snack. I don’t want to imagine a world that is forbidden chocolate.


This painting collection of Sakaguchi Kyohei, I bought it for my Christmas present. Sakaguchi Kyohei is awesome. He’s tackling to stop suicide by having a helpline with his own personal idea. I respect him, and I admire him. His tweeting on Twitter is so honest, sometimes too honest and I even feel anxious for him. He declares that he is a genius, but it’s simple truth, so you can’t help it. Yes! Sakaguchi Kyohei is gifted from above, and he pours out his gifts to help people to survive through and live along.

坂口恭平の画集、Pastel は自分へのクリスマスプレゼントに買った。坂口恭平はとても良い。たった一人のアイディアで、自殺撲滅運動に真っ向から取り組んでいるところ(いのっちの電話)が、本当に素晴らしいし、尊敬する。Twitter での呟きも、何一つ嘘がなくて、正直過ぎて大丈夫だろうかと、こちらが心配するくらい真っ正直だ。自分を天才だと公言しているし、事実そうなんだから本当に仕方ないとも思う。そう、坂口恭平には天から授けられた才能があるし、それを人々の為に惜しみなく注ぎ出している。

Like words written on the cover, “I’m discovering every day.” Yes, we all discover something every day and we are touched each day. I believe the paintings in this Pastel are all landscapes of mid-summer. Sweltering summer of Kyushu, the heat and the breathing are overflowing in the book. And I was seriously wondering if I could buy a piece by actually paying my own money, what would I buy? And I’d absolutely buy this cover picture. And reading a comment on the back, he said he won’t sell this one. Hey, we hit it off! And I loved that he names a stray cat as Norah Jones (stray pronounces nora in Japanese). Norah Jones is genuinely amazing. I follow her on SNS and she shares her songs for free singing at home, saying “donate at your local food bank if you are able”. I’m so happy I got a CD of hers for a Christmas gift.

この帯にある様に、「僕は毎日、発見している」と。そうなのだ。私達はみんな毎日何かを発見して、毎日何かに感動しているのだ。このPastel に収められている絵は、きっと全て真夏の風景を切り取ったものだ。九州の暑い暑いうだる様な夏。その熱気と息遣いが、画集の中に横溢している。そして、真剣に自分がもしこの中の一枚を身銭を切って買うならどれが良いかと考えた。そして、断然、この表紙の絵が良いと思った。裏の解説を読んだら、「この絵は売らない」だってさ。気があうじゃん。それと、一番良かったのは、野良猫をノラジョーンズと名付けているところ。ノラジョーンズは本当に素晴らしい。SNSでフォローしているけれど、自宅で歌っている様子を沢山無料で公開していて、「出来たら近くのフードバンクに募金してね。」とあった。クリスマスプレゼントに、ノラのCD貰って大喜びだ。

The world is wide, and there are thousands and thousands of people who wish to help out others, they are already contributing to the world with what they can. Everybody, let’s live long life, and let’s work hard to help one another. Don’t die! Live along! Let’s turn the light on! Support one another to make year 2022 a good one! Happy New Year!


Blessings to every one in the world! Praying for love and peace sincerely!


Music and the Beauty

Yoshinogari Ancient Remains

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