Today, I want to focus on something different. I’d like to introduce numbers of character bento, since it’s my mission to record the artistic works I felt. Japanese bento, especially character bento is now that one of the unique pop culture. And these are made by a sax player Yasutake Motoaki. He’s creating all these bentos for his little son who loves trains so much. Yasutake, or Yas-san is such a lovely daddy.
Yas-san shares these character bentos on SNS. He’s got clever fingers thanks to his occupation and the bentos filled with affections are beaming. They have power of laughter and at the same time, they make us happy.

Nori seaweed and cheese are essential. The detail is so intricate, bravo! (JR Kyushu, ASOBOY)

The skill of depicting the facial expression is amazing! (JR Kyushu, KAMOME)

Look at the cute eyes! (JR Kyushu, IBUSUKI NO TAMATEBAKO)

The groove is addicting! (JR Kyushu, 36 plus 3)

Joy is overflowing! (JR Higashi Nihon, NAGOMI E655 JOYFUL TRAIN)
His son is giving Yas-san a request seeing a train reference book. Train reference books are so popular among little kids, especially boys in Japan.
I heard that the job of scholars is to make information into knowledge. I’m not a scholar, however I felt it’s my mission to keep all these affectionate father’s bento records as a national document and told so to Yassan and writing this article. It’s not good to just let them go as it flows. (This blog ©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog is preserved semi-permanently as a part of national project, National Diet Library Japan Web Archiving Project, WARP. )
情報を知識にするのが学者の仕事だそうですが、この父の愛がこもったキャラ弁の数々は、流れてゆく情報としてではなく、ちゃんと国の資料として残して、海外にも発信しておかなくてはという使命感の様なものを感じたので、そのことをヤッさんに伝えて記事にしています。(このブログ©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog は、国の事業の一環で国立国会図書館のインターネット資料収集保存事業(WARP)の対象として、半永久的に残されて行きます。)
Yas-san is a Christian musician, very popular sax player. Not only from his music, but also from the bentos for his son are filled with love, joy, and pleasure. You can tell by looking at them. My husband and I follow him on SNS and we laugh together each time seeing his updates. Whenever we talk about Yas-san, we become happy together since his cheerful spirit is so contagious. He’s truly one of a kind.

Last time we met him, he talked about his early years filled with hardships and he said thanks to the experience, he became so gritty. The way he spoke was delightful and the smile was powerful. It is interesting that you are more attracted to stories of early years than successful achievements, because they are genuinely encouraging. We like Yas-san so much and we even mimic him quite often! And we keep talking that it would be fantastic if Yas-san could have a performance at Blue Note New York one day. But who knows? Your dream will come true if you keep wishing! We pray that the music of Yas-san and his passion would reach out the world. Go, Yas-san!!!
以前お会いした時に、ヤッさんが下積み時代の苦労話を超明るく話してくれて、自分はその下積みがあるから根性があるんだと、カラリと笑った笑顔がとても良かったのです。人は不思議と、成功した後よりも若い頃の苦労話に惹きつけられますが、私達夫婦もヤッさんの若き日々の話に勇気付けられて、時々二人でヤッさんのモノマネをするほどです!そしてよく、いつかヤッさんがニューヨークのBlue Noteで演奏する日が来たらいいね、と話しています。でも、もしかしたら、ひょっとしたらひょっとするかもね、とも言い合ってよく盛り上がっていますよ。ヤッさんの音楽が、その熱い思いが、世界中に響き渡ります様に!いざ行け、ヤッさん!!!
Blessings to you all!