Each time I go visit the ancient capital of Kyoto, I go through massive “culture overdose” . In Tokyo or Singapore where money and information circulate in outrageous speed, I experience similar body and mental response. However, I come to adapt the situation gradually by becoming a little numb. Toward something rich, gorgeous, peculiar, and sophisticated cutting edge things, people apply the defense mechanism of senselessness by becoming accustomed to, I suppose.
On the other hand, the historical capital of Kyoto intoxicates us with the charm of sense of beauty that you witness here and there, and the spirit of sincere hospitality. You are knocked out each time. And the depth that doesn’t disclose everything at once, you feel like chasing more and more. And while going through such “culture overdose”, I paid a visit to an art exhibition of “BOTERO magic in full form” held in KYOCERA Museum of Art.

As it’s entitled “magic in full form”, Botero the artist of Colombia, South America paints literally everything with round lines. Now that he is over 90, but still sits in front of a canvas every day. As Botero says “Beauty and sensuality in art are found most of the time in the exaltation of volume.” , I was knocked out by the unending charm of adorableness of something round and chubby.

The President is round, the cardinal is round, and even crucified Jesus is round.

Something round is cute and lovely and attractive. The strong belief of the artist is so powerful. In my opinion, slender people are cool and sexy, and chubby ones are cute and charming. Especially, plump ladies full of love are so cute, I even want to go run and hug! Every one is different and every one is good. It is so true. Look at the chubbiest ballerina, isn’t she strikingly adorable? Nowadays we have a movement of Body Positive, and by accepting who we are as we are, it leads us to live happily.
The word of fat is connecting with fertile, and it indicates blessings of prosperity of descendants. There was a movie of Botero enjoying a feast with dozens of grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Love yourself and love others, it is the ultimate theme of our life.
Love and Peace…
「ボテロ展 ふくよかな魔法」©️ 日本テレビ放送網 2022 (図録)