Blog Logo Design

Hello. Today, I’m happy to announce that an original logo design of this Aya’s Cool Japan Blog is open to public. This logo was created by a good friend of mine from junior high school. We belonged to tennis club together back then. My friend, Ms. Kanoko Furusawa is now an award-winning very talented graphic designer. But of course back in junior high school, we never imagined the future that we work together would come along.

こんにちは。今日はとても嬉しいお知らせがあります。Aya’s Cool Japan Blog のオリジナルロゴの初お目見えです。このロゴデザインは、中学校のテニス部の仲間で、今は長崎を拠点に売れっ子グラフィックデザイナーをしている、古澤かのこさんに作ってもらいました。かのこは、今となっては受賞歴もある才能豊かなデザイナーですが、中学の頃の私達は、将来一緒に仕事が出来るなんて想像すらできませんでした。

Kanoko kindly said she wants to support me. And she thoroughly understood my mission to share the charm of Japan with the world and interpreted the message with her excellent imagination. Mt. Fuji, the rising sun, the mist, and the crest are so very Japan. And the hexagon is representing “Six Degrees of Separation”, it means all the people and things are connected within 6 steps; we can become friends indirectly with people around the globe through friend’s friend. And the shape of Mt. Fuji is like a traditional pottery pattern.


On the phone, Kanoko reminded me that she still remembers the English speech of Martin Luther King Jr. that I was practicing in front of team mates for a recitation contest during the tennis practice. “Ah that one. ‘I have a dream, one day people will not judge each other by the color of their skin.’ Right?” “Yes, yes, that’s it!” Saying so, Kanoko had tears in her eyes. She said she clearly remembers my figure of wearing a tennis skort.

電話口でかのこは、私が英語暗唱大会に出るために、部活中にみんなの前で発表練習していた、アメリカ黒人解放運動のキング牧師のスピーチを覚えていると言ってくれました。「あ〜!I have a dream. One day, people will not judge each other by the color of their skin. やろ?」と言うと「そう、それそれ!」と涙目になってくれました。私のテニススコート姿もくっきりと覚えていると。

Konoko loved drawing and she was always drawing something. I still remember her illustration when we exchanged profiles for graduation ceremony. One time we had a contest of an art exam, drawing a cover design for summer vacation booklets. Kanoko’s work was selected and I still remember the picture of a boy and a girl eating watermelon seeing fireworks. We didn’t notice that it was a talent in those days, but when you come across a beautiful flower cherished and embraced for years is blooming, your heart would fill with something so warm.


In Japan, we have a proverb “If you love something, you are good at it.” However, there are numerous afflictions and hardships to pursue your passion and the way to make something one of a kind is far from rosy cozy. Even though, your true love is stronger than anything, it enables you to overcome countless setbacks.


During the tennis practices, we were always chatting, chatting, and chatting. Sometimes even a couch was shouting at us, “YOU GUYS SHUT UP!” We were nobody but just girls, the days were so jolly and funny. We were laughing so hard singing silly songs and such. Oh, I miss our good old days. Sometimes life is not kind to us, especially during the Corona pandemic. However, life, this life, the days we have are truly worthy and so sentimental from time to time.


Life is beautiful…

***There are Facebook and Twitter links on the bottom, please follow me! FacebookとTwitter のリンクが一番下にあります。是非フォローをお願いします!

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