Artist, Iwasaki Chihiro

いわさきちひろ、岩崎ちひろ、いわさきちひろ美術館、平和を守る、反戦運動、童画画家、Iwasaki Chihiro, cherish kawaii, こどもの心、かわいいを愛する、peace maker, バイリンガル

いわさきちひろ 「ロンドン橋がおちる」 1966年 画像データ

Today, I’d like to introduce my favorite Japanese artist Iwasaki Chihiro. Her works are filled with affection for children. Ever since I was a little kid, there have been her books at home. I opened those picture books from time to time and used to study at her adorable paintings.


There is a special reason why I have been considering Iwasaki Chihiro as an exquisite artist since I can remember. When my mother was pregnant with me, she pasted a picture of lovely girl of Chihiro on a sliding door and staring at the picture every day sending vibrations “Adorable child be born!”. And the strong vibes were reaching me in her womb, she still says so laughing jollily.


And this old picture book of Chihiro was given me from aunt when I was born. I still keep it as a treasure.

そして私が生まれた頃に伯母から贈られた、この古くなった「もしもし おでんわ」という絵本もちひろの絵で、ずっと大切にしてきました。

(松谷みよ子 あかちゃんの本 もしもし おでんわ 文・松谷みよ子 絵・岩崎ちひろ 発行所・株式会社童心社)

When niece was born and I became auntie, I was overjoyed and ordered this book and gave her as a birth gift. Now little niece is in elementary school and I write her with a letter writing set of Chihiro’s paintings.


Chihiro was an artist who painted child for the main theme all through her life. And also, she was a peace activist. “Cherishing something peaceful, affluent, beautiful, and adorable. I have endless resentment toward power to destroy those things.” She left the words.


I read back this picture book countless times as well.


(あかい ふうせん 文・岸田衿子 絵・岩崎ちひろ 発行所・偕成社)

During the Vietnam War, Chihiro published a picture book, “Senka no naka no kodomo tachi (children in the flames of war)” This book was given me four decades ago, and it’s far from her usual works that are filled with delight. The book is full of sorrow and anger, and it was anti-war protest that was led alone with all her might.


(戦火のなかの子どもたち 岩崎ちひろ・作 発行所・岩崎書店)

When seeing Chihiro’s paintings, you come to recognize the pictures are brimmed with not only affection toward children but Chihiro herself is an eternal child and she expresses joy and gladness thoroughly through her paint brushes. That’s the very reason why her works have been loved for decades by so many people. By seeing Chihiro’s works, we accept ourselves as a child and feel content. By going through the procedure, we are healed.


When Chihiro was young, she adored Miyazawa Kenji (poet, writer of children’s stories). Kenji’s pure and genuine thoughts and and hers were united, and Chihiro found the creativity and the prayer for peace be her guideline, I believe.


Of course, Chihiro’s paintings and words are wonderful when you are doing good. But in times of hardships when your heart gets weak and under the weather, they have some magical power to work on your sensibility to recover yourself, as if a medicine.


When you feel yourself like a small kid and helpless and lonely, by seeing Chihiro’s paintings and reading her words you are able to receive a message, “You are worthy just the way you are. You are loved just because you are you.”


“Silently dropped”
Silently dropped
A flower of sweet pea
Serve it for a guest
Secretly on a spoon with tea cup
The guest will be very surprised
At the loveliness
Or she might mistake it as sugar
And drink it floating on the tea?

はらりとおちた スイートピーの花を
紅茶茶わんの スプーンの上に
そおっとのせて はこんでいくと
お客さまは きれいで びっくりするわ
それとも お砂糖とまちがえて
紅茶にうかべて のむかしら

With the words beside a painting of sweet pea, I believe your heart of a little child be embraced and hugged, you come to feel so warm and gentle as if wrapped with something dear.


I pray love and peace in the world.


**I appreciate Chihiro Art Museum for providing me the top picture and the portrait of Iwasaki Chihiro. Thank you very much. ちひろ美術館より、トップ画像データといわさきちひろ本人の写真をご提供いただきましたこと、お礼申し上げます。ありがとうございました。

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