Art Creation, Design Thinking

art creation, creative, artistic, one and only, design thinking、芸術、デザイン思考、art creation process, learn Japanese, バイリンガル、アート

Lately, I often think about the fact that anyone can be an artist. Art is not something highbrow, nor too classy to come true, nor something that is too far to reach out. Even a small kid making a craft can be an artist if s/he is truly passionate. Artistic soul is sprouting there, one and only life is twinkling.


Not because exceptionally unique nor people giving appraisal, but because finding meanings in the object. If this point of view gets more common, I believe a lot more people come to live life more richly and confidently. The inclination toward art can be a hint to survive through this hopeless era, it leads to save and rescue yourself.


Recently, I had an opportunity to challenge an interesting project. Choosing 4 pictures that I felt beautiful and printed them out. Cut out the pictures each and sticked them to postcard sized drawing papers. And made 4 picture postcards. And sealed stamps and and sent them to myself. And after delivery, I wrote 400 letters essay each for the 4 postcards why I felt the sights and things beautiful. And analyzed into depth.


Firstly, I looked back my smartphone screen that I take photos daily taking good time. Noticed choosing 4 pictures not focusing on the beauty aspect but I was more putting value for something dear to me. And sent the pictures to PC and connect with a printer and printed them out. Cut them and sticked to postcard sized drawing papers with glue. I had Takehisa Yumeji design stamps, so matched each design for the photos. Color coordinating is fun. Yes, I must stamp my Aya logo stamp that dear friend made for me. The sender and the receiver are me, so I write “from me to me”. At this point, the excitement that now I’m actually creating artworks is coming up.

まず、どんな写真を選ぼうかと、スマホに普段から撮りためているものをじっくりと見返してみる。不思議と美的な側面よりも、自分にとって意味があるという面に重きを置いて写真を選んでいた。写真をパソコンに取り込んでプリンターに繋いで印刷する。それを切り取って糊でハガキ大に切った画用紙に貼り付ける。切手は竹久夢二の図案柄の切手シートを持っていたので、それぞれのハガキの色彩に合うものを選ぶ。色合わせも楽しい。よし、大好きな友が作ってくれた、私のサインAya のロゴを象ったハンコも押すぞ。差出人と宛先が自分だから、from me to meと入れよう。この時点で、自分は今、芸術を作っているという感覚が生まれて来る。

Having completed picture postcards at hand and appreciate each. Ahh, very good. Adding short explanation and the date on the side. By comparing postcards, I came to recognize that something I cherish is connecting one another and my own precious story is floating on the back. Then went to a post office to mail. Wondered if they would be delivered by the next day, but they reached me two days later. It was from me to me, but I couldn’t wait!


Then writing a short essay for each of the 4 postcards. Since writing is my cup of tea, so I guessed it would be a piece of cake. But it was not. I wrote and deleted, wrote and deleted. Repeating so, it took 4 hours in total. As I didn’t want to make it light and easy, not writing explanations why I felt beautiful, but I wanted to write essays interesting and intriguing to read.


And this very process is the procedure to create an artwork. Picking up moments that touched your heartstring and examine and think about the reasons why you felt worthy. And verbalize the thoughts and the emotions. Not only verbalizing but transforming into essays that the third person can appreciate. Polishing up small notice carefully, enjoy throughly, search meanings, and make the recognitions into objective from subjective.


This is the manners of art creation, and it can be design thinking in the recent way of expression. And finally I came to understand that this work of mine is the extension of rigorous design thinking. I desire to create one and only artwork in the world. And, what about you? What are you creating?


Creativity is the magical medicine to sooth your wounded soul.


Love and Peace.

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With Ebene Quartet

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