We Love Manga, kochi-kame

(写真は「こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所」第53巻、第81巻、秋本治 著、ジャンプコミックス、集英社)

Hi there! It’s my pleasure to introduce my Japanese life style to the world! My name is Aya, hope you enjoy reading my bilingual Cool Japan blog every week!


Today’s topic is MANGA. Yes, it’s one of those COOL JAPAN’s coolest icons. All the kids in Japan grow up reading manga and watching anime on TV. So most of us don’t recognize it as cool or something special. Manga and anime are so common and usual stuff for Japanese people in general. But changing the perspective, and thinking about manga as pop culture which Japan treasures, there are so many things I want to share with you all.

COOL JAPANを語る時に外せないものの一つにマンガがあります。日本の子どもはみんなマンガを読んでアニメを見て大きくなるので、別にそれが殊更クールだと認識することは殆どないのだけれど、日本発のポップカルチャーを外からの視点で見つめ直したら、やはりとっても奥深い魅力が詰まった世界がマンガ文化の中には広がっています。

“Kochi-Kame” (Kochira Katsushikaku Kameari Kouenmae Hashutsujyo) has 200 volumes. It is boys’ manga, the main character is a policeman. Rather than I explain much, you should read it to know the reason why it is so deeply loved. When I was a junior high school student, I often read the manga after practicing tennis at school, spending lazy Saturday afternoons. My brother used to buy the manga a lot. The main-character, Ryo-san’s silliness was so hilarious. Silliness can be so deep and mesmerizing.


I loved childhood stories of Ryo-san in “Kochi-Kame”. When I got married, my husband brought a special edition of Ryo-san’s childhood story to our apt. I got so excited and told my husband, “you are goooooood!” I read back the stories so happily. The pics are the book of “Kochi-Kame”


When in university, I had an assignment to have a field work in Tokyo 23 wards. I had to pick up 2 wards from the 23 and actually go visit 2 wards and walk around on foot. Then I compared and contrasted the 2 wards and wrote a report. I picked up Minato ward which is considered to be in the cutting edge, and Katushika ward which is a stage of “Kochi-Kame” manga and thought to be an old lively town. I went to Kameari park, but the police box which is the place where Ryo-san is working was not in real.


Roy-san’s first love in elementary school was with a substitute teacher from a college. After graduating from university, I worked in an English conversation school for children as a teacher. A lot of boys fall in love with a young teacher in elementary school and I had the same experience. Little boys, Yoshiki kun and Taro chan crushed on me and they were so cute! I guess they’ve changed a lot by now and I think I can’t recognize them anymore, but I hope they’re doing good.


Another manga which I think pretty interesting is “Oishinbo”. It’s a foodie manga but not only that, the script writer is from the University of Tokyo and very intellectual so he deals with so many social issues in the manga. We can ponder through so many issues and we get wide range of knowledge by reading the manga. It proves the high quality of Japanese manga culture.


Manga is deeply loved in Japan and the culture is so thriving. I want to share the topic of manga next week also. Have a nice day and blessings to you all. With good vibrations from Fukuoka Japan!


We Love Manga, Asari chan

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