5th anniversary; struggles and rewards

<at the National Gallery, London ロンドン、ナショナルギャラリーにて>

I started writing this ©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog on August 1st, 2016. And this August, we’re celebrating the 5th anniversary. For the last 5 years I’ve been thinking about the blog and related issues day and night, night and day.

2016年8月1日から始まった、この ©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog が、この8月で5周年を迎えます。私はこの5年間、寝ても覚めてもずっとこのブログと、それに付随することを考えていました。

Various ideas of all shapes and sizes come up inside of me like fresh water from a spring, and it is utterly rejoicing. I edit, tidy up, and organize the unique ideas and make them neat and lovely. And I want to showcase the charm of Japanese culture to the world with sparkles like a kaleidoscope. I walked along this far with the prayers.


There are 16 categories in the blog; Architecture, Art, Culture, Education, Food, History, Invention, Japan and Abroad, Japanese Spirit, Language, Literature, My thought, Society, Tourist Sites, UNESCO world heritage, and 綾の独り言 (Aya, talking to myself). Uploaded 145 articles so far. It is my great pleasure that long time dream of having lectures in Iceland went successful. And it was my utmost honor that I had a privilege to report the lecture trip to the President of Iceland, Mr. Guðni Jóhannesson. Country of Japan recognized the value of this blog and it is preserved and opened semipermanently as part of a national project, Web Archiving Project (WARP) at National Diet Library, Japan. I’m proud of what I have achieved, but I’d like to humble myself.



My hobby is learning, so when I’m free I always read or study like playing alone. For me, learning is the extreme opposite of sufferings and agonies, it is the source of blissful moments. Studying is connecting with job and efforts, and if my world constructed with intellectual playful creativity could benefit many others and if it could bring joy, I can’t be happier.


Studying something is not a tool to beat up other nor to be superior to others. It is truly valuable workings that make your life richer. Of course the studying includes visiting many countries and places and interact with many people and learn from them.


Without peace, you can’t study. Without peace, you can’t pursue your dreams. I do believe peace is worthy more than anything.


These are notebooks that stand by me and encourage me each time I read back, along the blog project as an accompanist. To make your dreams come true, write down your words on notebooks and read back from time to time. And the words come to have miraculous spirit and the notebooks will transform into magical notebooks that make your dreams come true, and they will guide you to a wonderful adventure that nobody ever experienced.


Life is hard, life is bitter and agonizing. It is true and there is no doubt. But at the same time, life is worthy and life is beautiful. You can create something using your hands diligently, and you can share and enjoy the fruit of the efforts with others.


Ever since I started this blog 5 years ago, I cried and cried countless times. Felt mortified and had grudges, felt sad and tortured countless times. And my beloved father went to heaven 3 years ago. But all because of the hardships and afflictions, I have strong conviction that what I’m creating has great values and meanings.


I pray this blog could reach out the world more broadly and deeply. I pray that people all over the world come to know the charm of Japan on this platform. While celebrating 5th anniversary, I have no time to be soaked in emotions. I made up my mind to challenge something new and my heart is bouncing with hope for the future unfolds. Please help me and support me to spread this blog to the world. And please cheer me on.


Lastly, I want to introduce words written by my favorite novelist Hermann Hesse mentioning an impressionist painter Pierre Auguste Renoir.


“If you desire to be involved in art, brimming passions and ideas are not enough. It requires you to have wisdom, skills, capability, resilience, and you have to be blessed with good luck. The famous painter Renoir, he didn’t have extraordinary thoughts. But he succeeded expressing his strong belief that “the world filled with wars needs something more beautiful” by painting with colors with clarity. Renoir kept making diligent efforts steadily and dedicatedly and he never gave up on the way.”


Love and Peace to the world.


*「ヘッセ 人生の言葉 エッセンシャル版」著者/訳者 白取春彦 発行所 株式会社ディスカバー・トゥウェンティーワン

Ancient Love; Hyakunin Isshu

Lonesome Poet, Wakayama Bokusui

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