Went to a lecture of Tadao Ando the Architect. Mr. Ando was an extremely hilarious guy, way much different from anticipated. The audience was bursting out laughter from start to end. Because of his wit and liberated point of view, he was able to become Ando, the Architect of the World. He finds interest in anything and everything, and perseveres to give shapes for his ideas with outstanding diligence. Came to understand the reason why he is a gem of sheer sparkle.
It is important to survey and access raw materials when conducting a research on studies. This time I was able to see what Mr. Ando is really like by attending the lecture that I was not able to grasp when reading books or articles someone else have written. It was crucial actually going to the place, seeing with own eyes, listening with own ears, feeling the air vibrating, and laughing together.

In the vast world it can be more important to have a sense of humor to bring laughter than having good educational background or good amount of knowledge. As of my experience, when given an opportunity to have a presentation to the Ambassador of Iceland to Japan, I prepared a silliest joke in Icelandic. The ambassador was cracked up loud and laughing so hard that she couldn’t breathe. And that led me to have a lecture trip in Iceland, more over, I was honored to report my project to the President Johannesson. The power of laughter is immense.
The joke I prepared was “I know only 3 Icelandic words, ‘hello, and thank you, and good bye’ Yes! I know 4 Icelandic if I include the word ‘and!’ ” It is the silliest joke ever! And very peaceful indeed. Of course, not only that I’ve been teaching Japanese and helping out an Icelandic-exchange-student-turned-best-friend for more than 20 years. The history of ours made me come this far.

The title of the lecture was ‘Be Doubtful for Common Sense’ ~to people in the age~. It is important to be free and courageous, education is the key, with perseverance, endurance, and inventiveness, you must tackle on things by completely absorbed in. The world is moving in astonishing speed, so it makes no sense to mimic others. Be yourself and live your own life. And you’ve got to have something to share and promote to the world.
Mr. Ando asked “Is there anyone who is madly in love with your job? ” I raised my arm with a big voice “YES!” But my seat was far and someone else was pointed out, so I couldn’t have a chance to exchange words. He said “It’s a good thing that people think you are crazy. If you are not crazy enough, you can’t keep on trying so long.” It is the same as the words Steve Jobs was treasuring ‘Stay hungry, stay foolish!’
「この中で自分の仕事が面白くて仕方ない人いてる?」の質問に大きな声で「ハイ!」と手を挙げたけれど、席が遠くて他の方が当てられたので、安藤先生とのやりとりは叶わず。人からしたら「あの人頭おかしい」と思われるくらいで丁度良いのだと。「おかし無かったら長続きせえへん。」と。これはスティーブ・ジョブズが言っていた ‘Stay hugnry, stay foolish!’ にも繋がる発想だ。

And the words “The center of the world is yourself, and expand it from the point, and see the globe and recognize that the world is vast.” I deeply agree. “One time Kyoto University asked me to become a professor, I said I’m not graduated form university, so is it OK? then the professor of Kyoto Uni. answered “No problem, but you must write a doctoral thesis.” I said I can’t write a thesis that’s why I’m an architect, then he said “No problem again, an assistant will write it.” I said “You are an idiot!” and the professor was stunned since he was never told such a thing.”
“And the next year, this time The University of Tokyo asked me to be a professor. “We are not tacky like Kyoto University.” So I asked how much will you pay and I was told “Mr. Ando, you are the first person to ask fee for being invited to be a professor” and the person said “1,300 yen (per hour)” and I said you’ve got to be kidding! then they thought for half a year and answered “We will pay you 1,750 yen” !!!!” The whole audience laughed and laughed so hard.

Mr. Ando is making monuments of Green Apple representing dashing through everlasting youthful spirit. He donated one of them to Hyogo Prefectural Museum in Kobe. “You can live a year longer by touching it. Then a 90 year old guy come there every day. It’s no use to touch it every day, buddy!”
The Architect Office of Tadao Ando treasures books. There are zillions of books from the floor to the top in every stair. “One time a stray dog came in to our office and we decided to keep it. And I was thinking of naming it ‘Kenzo Tange’ (The world famous Architect of Japan who designed National Yoyogi Stadium, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, and Tokyo Metropolitan Office and more) to kick him off. But I was told it’s no good, since Mr. Tange was still alive then. So instead, I named the dog ‘Corbusier’ to kick him out!”
(*Please read my blog about Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office. 東京都庁について書いた記事)

(*Please read my blog about Corbusier. コルビジエについて書いた記事)
“Step in one step further and make impossible things possible. It’s important. Go beyond there! and you have to look at the world. The gaps in the world are getting serious and Japan is being exceeded, but you all have to enjoy working with high spirits!”
“I had cancer and completely removed 5 organs; gall bladder, bile duct, duodenum, pancreas, and spleen. There is no one else in the world having such a thing and keep vigorous ever! I had a surgery in Kyoto University Hospital, only Japan can conduct such a surgery. Asked by an authority in medicine in America. In the US only endoscopic surgery is possible and they don’t have skill for such an abdominal operation. He said he’d like to have one in Kyoto University when needed.”
“I walk 10,000 steps a day, every day, and I go abroad and around Japan all alone. I’ve got things to do, that’s why my spirit is high! And you have to talk with people, make your time half for using smart phone. But you have to be able to use new technology. Now in Paris or Belgium, there is no clerk in the airport. So you have to give up traveling abroad if you are over 65. Ha! But package trip will work. And talking with others is important, to make you cheerful. Vigorous spirit is important.”

“I was born and raised in Osaka and still believe Osaka is the best, but the taste is catastrophic. Shinsekai is seriously catastrophic. And there’s only one museum in Osaka. In Tokyo, there are one thousand of them right? But the other day, a truck driver asked me “Mr. Ando where are you going?” I said “Shin Osaka Station.” Then the driver gave me a 5 minute drive there. But later my office clerks scolded me. “The driver must felt so scary.” Osaka has such a charm. “
“You are interested in one thing, and think hard again and again to make money. That’s the key. But you can’t die with money. Some people want to die grabbing it.” Therefore, Mr. Ando is building children’s libraries around the world and supporting Ukraine and Turkey widely with donation and much more. So marveled to know that now he is 81 years old. Yes, he is the most radiant and hilariously sparkling 81 year old guy. He is absolutely THE SUPER MAN!
“Japanese are lacking in sense of humor. When thinking something fun, your brain gets flexible and come up with great ideas. Life becomes more pleasing. ” Couldn’t agree more! Yes, to live along searching for something fun is the best and foremost wisdom we human beings can possess.
Love and Peace!