Learnology of Prof. Homma

本間正人、学習学、最新学習歴、Learnology, 100年学習時代 初めての「学習学」的生き方入門、ジャパノグラフィー、Japanography, 京都芸術大学

Read the latest book written by professor Homma Masato, about Learnology that he advocates. Prof. Homma is one of the supervisors when I was striving to establish Japanography in the graduate school of Kyoto University of the Arts. He is my mentor.

学習学の提唱者である本間正人先生の最新著作『100年学習時代 はじめての「学習学」的生き方入門』を拝読しました。本間先生は、私がジャパノグラフィー®︎確立の為に京都芸術大学大学院にて懸命に取り組んでいる時に、指導教官の一人として幾多のご助言を頂いた、敬愛する恩師でもあります。

I’ll never forget his comments, “I’m giving you strict discipline with love~!” And he said “What’s your dream? You’ve come this far, so talk about your dreams as much as you can. Various people will come to give you various chances.” when I first explained my studies. Not only that, he introduced me to an eminent person of his friend. I was able to take an interview, and the Master’s thesis was added some good depth.


And Prof. Homma’s comment on my mid-term report went like this, “The most distinctive feature of Japanography is one-and-only-ness that an individual is releasing information freely completely free from intentions of the government or enterprises. Chat GPT can give general opinions in this age, that’s why individual perspective and opinion is precious. I want you to emphasize it more.” I was absentmindedly overlooking the uniqueness of Japanography.

また、提出した中間報告書にあった本間先生のコメント「(ジャパノグラフィー®︎の)最大の特徴は、一人の個人が、政府や企業の意図から自由に独立して情報発信しているという、唯一無二性にあるのではないでしょうか?一般論ならばChat GPT が出力してくれる時代だからこそ、個人の視点、意見が貴重なのだと思います。そこをもっと強調してほしいです。」という言葉は、自分がうっかり見過ごしていたジャパノグラフィー®︎の大きな独自性でした。

‘Prof. Homma’ or ‘Dr. Homma’ is the same name as a wise doctor from manga ‘Black Jack’ created by Tezuka Osamu. The outlaw surgeon Black Jack only respected Dr. Homma. The sound of the name is dear to me.


In Prof. Homma’s latest book, he gives analysis on every possible thing right and left with eye-opening depth and width with outstanding knowledge, and I’m most encouraged with the line “to pile up good quality ‘pre-success’ is the path to succeed.”


Failure is the mother of success. And one can never achieve anything if afraid of failure. Never repeating the same mistake, yet with reflection and kaizen and inventiveness, get close to success little by little. That’s the most rewarding part for a challenger. Sometimes I wonder in this trial and error, the truth dwells in striving days of perseverance.


In the long journey to complete Japanography, I challenged more than 100 times and failed or got no answer or given harsh words loudly or denied completely or hated and excluded more than 100 times. Now that I can understand they were all rejecting responses to unknown matter. And I also had to put up with abnormally ugly issues crying grudgingly for months, if I made it public it was sure to be controversial.


However, it is nothing surprising since I’m challenging a huge project all by myself that nobody ever designed, warming over since teenager. Headwind is welcome. If there is no adverse wind, I can’t fly high spreading wings liberatingly. I got stronger and tougher little by little.


In short, in the state of ‘pre-success’, one has to receive painful condition that reaching out success is no easy. And it is the agonizing apprentice period training oneself to tolerate difficulties. Yet, it is evident that people who criticize or evaluate didn’t actually challenge the task nor output good results. People can criticize as harshly as they wish. On the other hand, I challenged and yielded decent results with original methods warming over for decades.


So, with confidence I keep endeavoring until I succeed. I was able to reach out the new ground. It is the practice of ‘negative capability’ written by a poet John Keats.


And in the days of challenges, I was able to encounter with Prof. Homma and he mentored me. I believe it was a divine providence. For a person who challenge an uncultivated field, he supported and encouraged and elevated. And one day, I want to be like Prof. Homma. I appreciate he showed me a way of a wonderful role model.


And I was lacking in the perspective “to observe others carefully, watch closely and listen intently, then never deny” and “listen to each other and enjoy the difference”. It is utterly unwise to stab others with a sword of justice. Listen to others carefully, and find out good points each other, recognize the difference and support one another. It will become hope of the society.


Aptitude differs with person by person. My dynamic visual acuity is horrible, and I’m so dodgy that the most difficult school ever was a driving school. I went there every day, yet it took 9 months to finish. First and foremost, I don’t have aptitude for driving. So, I admire a mama with kids driving a big van.


We ought to help one another covering up weakness, learning from each other, maximizing intellectual curiosities, and finding sense of wonder in anything and everything, and create the society for the future together. The book was written about such things in simple. And I have a resolution to become like Prof. Homma to share and draw a map of hope for the future.


Love and Peace.

『100年学習時代 はじめての「学習学」的生き方入門』本間正人、BOW BOOKS、2024年

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