Photography, Japanography

sense of editing, storytelling, 編集力、見せ方の時代、Japanography, ジャパノグラフィー、海の中道、バラ園、枕草子、知的好奇心、ブログと写真

I’ve seldom written about photography so far. So here, I’d like to discuss about the relation between Japanography and photography. With photos I took today for a hike to Umi-no-nakamichi, since the beautiful weather was so enticing.


Above all, Japanography is solo assignment. In the express activity of ‘writing and lecturing Japanese culture in English and Japanese bilingual’, one has duty as scriptwriter, director, lecturer, photographer, coordinator, translator, producer, negotiator and accountant, all in one.


One must propose a plan, gather up materials, compose the structure, write, translate, edit, think of picture layout, collect info, do networking, and go fieldwork. Same as many of YouTubers and bloggers, the media of Japanography is artistic and educational activity constructed by pouring out all imagination, intellect, and action one can have.

企画立案をして、ネタ集めをし、文章の構成を考え、執筆と翻訳と編集をし、写真の配置を考え、情報を集め、人脈作りに励み、現地調査へ出かけて行きます。多くのYouTuber やブロガーと同じく、ジャパノグラフィーというマイメディアは、自分という人間が持てる着想力と知力と行動力の全てを注ぎ出して作る、芸術活動であり教育活動なのです。

I’ve been piling up painstaking efforts day after day, in order to elevate the solo expressive activity into expansive universal academic genre. It took long manga and anime to be recognized as art, and it’s essential to have rigorous self inspection as a professional when sublimating personal blog into objective academic output.


Though, something plainly solid and firm is not attractive enough. ‘The Pillow Book’ is the source of inspiration, and Lady Sei Shonagon wrote essays with exquisite flares and sparkles, they were kaleidoscopic and her esprit was fragrant. I dream of creating a world like Lady Sei’s. If the working is not stimulating intellectual curiosity for both reader and maker, lifeline of Japanography will perish.


It won’t reach out to the stage of academic genre that people are inevitably attracted with magnetic charm, if this expressive activity is not dynamic nor vital with heartbeat.


Thus, it’s consequential to use photographs that one actually took by oneself. It’s indispensable to use photos of your own. Or it’s fine to use pics taken by someone you went together. But one must be at the spot physically.


Because I consider if the experience is not embodied as of one’s own, it turns to be a lie. However, photography tells a lie. Since picture doesn’t reflect truth, but photographer can choose a viewpoint, and the picture is one aspect of truth that is cut out by the photographer.


One can add up dramatic effects since the moment is cut out partially, and sense of hearing, smelling, touching, tasting aren’t included.


Hence, it’s a skill of editing what picture to take and use. And in Japanography, the editing proficiency of how to compose a world view with original story is led to be one’s ingenuity in the process of making it into individual creative activity.


When taking pictures, my attention goes to whole proportion and colors. Yet there is no right answer since it’s dependent on each one’s preference. For generations who were born when smart phone already existed, they might not share this feeling of taking a picture meticulously. But photographs of young people are interesting as well.


There’s academic truth in the field of the humanities; the reverse is also true. There’s no absolute answer nor result and vice versa is the eternal theme. One takes a picture and thinks about how to give effects by editing. And layering own story like a kaleidoscope, adjusting light angle and beautifying the target is one of the facets of Japanography.


Parrots, flowers, flamingos, and a donkey standing still seemed reflecting upon himself. They were all so Kawaii.


Love and Peace.

Designing Japanography

The Pillow Book Analysis

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