Green Tea Sweets, everyone’s favorite

Hi there! The word Matcha, or GreenTea are widely recognized all over the world. I once watched American young celeb You Tubers are advocating to drink GreenTea for the sake of beauty and health. They seem to be proud of their fashionable lifestyle, but for Japanese point of view, Green Tea is just the same old Green Tea. Hmm. Changing the perspective is always so interesting. However, drinking Green Tea outside of Japan means to drink Green Tea from a tea bag. So compared with it, we Japanese pour hot water around 70℃ into a tea pot and wait for a while and serve it. So it tastes much better. Aside from Green Tea, I bought Japanese tea containers wrapped with beautiful origami paper at a tea shop and sent them with Japanese snacks to my best friend in Iceland for the last Christmas. She was so delighted!

みなさん、こんにちは。抹茶、Matcha という言葉とグリーンティー、Green Tea という言葉は国際的に広く認知されている語句となっており、世界的にも大人気です。アメリカのヤングセレブなユーチューバー達は、「美容の為にグリーンティーを毎日飲んでます。私はオシャレで意識が高いんで。」みたいなことを発信していたりします。(我々日本人にとってはただの緑茶ですが、所変われば、緑茶すらも憧れの小道具になったりするわけです。)しかし、海外で飲むグリーンティーは一般的にティーバッグから淹れるものなので、急須で淹れるお茶の味にはやっぱり引けを取ります。余談ですが、去年のクリスマス・プレゼントに、アイスランドの親友にお茶屋さんで買い求めた和柄の茶筒と和のお菓子を沢山送ったら、とても喜んで貰えました。

Recently, Japan inbound tourism website named “MATCHA” is getting very well-known. I believe this name is so catchy and cool as it depicts the Japanese beauty so nicely. And the website page is pretty interesting and informative.

また、近頃グングンと認知度を上げて来た”MATCHA” という名前を冠した、日本のインバウンド・ツーリズムに特化した英語のサイトもある位です。このサイトのネーミングのセンスは、日本的なるものを上手に端的に切り取っていて、卓越していると思います。

Matcha Green Tea sweets made in Japan are so popular both in and out of Japan. Green Tea Kit Kat are sold literally all around the world and if you buy it outside of Japan, it will be quite pricy. As I mentioned, Green Tea confectionery is widely loved in Japan, but not only that, I once saw a TV show featuring patissier contest held in Paris and a Japanese patissier chef made Green Tea confectionery and he won a gram prix . Green Tea sweets such as baked cookies or chocolate or cakes or Japanese traditional sweets are so popular, and Green Tea flavored drinks are also loved so much. Green Tea Latte at Starbucks is very famous too. But some decades ago, we Japanese didn’t come up with an idea to blend Matcha Green Tea with milk.


I went to a super market and a convenience store to look for Green Tea sweets, then I went to take a picture to a park. Cherry blossoms petals were creating a beautiful carpet on the ground. It was so very spring, as if like a sweet and sentimental dream.


Some years ago when President Obama came to Japan, he made a speech and talked about his childhood memory. When he was a little boy, he visited Kamakura with her mother who was a scholar. He was so looking forward to eating Matcha ice cream. Both Matcha ice cream and Matcha soft served ice cream are so tasty. If you go to a cafe and order Matcha ice cream, you will be served with sweet soy beans. It is a traditional combination in Japan.


That’s all for today. Abundant blessings to each one of you! Have a lovely day and night!


Green Tea = Matcha?

Green Tea, the Beauty of Japanese

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