Intellectual Innovation in COVID era

Unprecedentedly, we are living in the era that intellectual curiosity is stimulated more than ever in the human history. Thanks to SNS, anyone can send out one’s own ideas, emotions, and tastes to the world. Here I want to write about blissful workings of fulfillment of intellectual desire, both as a transmitter of information and receiver of it.


When dealing with something for a theme of the blog, and if it’s something to do with a certain place or a person, I make it a rule to actually go visit the places. Using my five senses at maximum and explore the spots, take photos, and reflect the very atmosphere that has been oozing spending many years. It is the blog principle.


And survey books, documents, dictionaries as far as I can, and make fact check in detail on the net. While collecting data, I anchor my own viewpoint on the center and mix and mingle ideas and imagination freely. Then write on a notepad and rewrite it many times then type on PC and do English translation and give modifications plenty of times. By taking the procedures, I’ve been composing the world of ©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog. This is the blissful time of transmitting.

そして出来る限り文献などの本や各種の辞典を調べて、ネットで細かい事実確認をし、物事の裏付けを図りつつも、私という個の視点を中心に据えて、着想を自在に組み合わせ並べ替え、ノートに下書きをして何度も推敲を加え、パソコンに打ち込み、英訳にも工夫をこらしながら幾度も修正を加える。そういう手順を踏んでこの ©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog の世界観を構築して来た。これが発信する行為がもたらす悦楽の時間。

Meanwhile, the joy of polishing up a receiver dish in COVID era is broadening horizon. Nothing is more grateful as a person who studies, now that we welcome an era that open lectures of universities and colleges are free to attend from anywhere in the world. Academic knowledge is not completed in the small space of academia, but we face with new era that intellectual accumulation is returned and circulated vastly in the society. I’m literally exhilarated.


In this June, I attend online lectures of Fukui Prefectural University almost every night. History and culture and society of Iceland, the study of failures and success of JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, African lectures, America and religion through lawsuits, secrets of happiness of Bhutan: I’m going to attend all the lectures that I’m interested in. So mesmerized by the content each time and I take notes earnestly. Wonderful thing is that I can make proposals for other lectures to have on a questionnaire each time after the class. I always write as many ideas as possible.


The most fascinating thing is that I can learn from front line researchers and former Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers with their real voices. Often the times TV or other medias are influenced too much by the sponsors or they tend to have excessive directions. As a result their way of expression inclines to be boring with so much cliche. However, the genuine energy that a person pursued with sincere intention on research or volunteer activity is one of a kind. It is brimmed within one and a half hours lecture, I appreciate the prime time from the bottom of my heart.


Compare and contrast with Iceland that I’ve been interested in for a long time, and Africa that I have nothing in common, and Japan that is my theme, now I’m experiencing a huge intellectual turnover that my sense of values and point of view go upside down. And I ponder through multiculturalism, cultural relativism, and Christianity deeper and deeper.


And I reflect upon this blog writing as a transmitter. Then I consider a certain privilege that not few of us can be a transmitter and receiver at the same time.


When I became a viewer and receiver who passionately watch lectures, I came to understand that receivers are catching much more than transmitters could think of. Everything is revealed so that lies and deceptions will be noticed easily. Though, the live experience is utterly rejoicing.


Unveiling academic knowledge and intelligence then return them to the society widely, it is something truly worthy and that will guide us a hopeful direction in COVID crisis, I believe. This is nothing but Intellectual Innovation in COVID era.


Love and Peace to the world!


Rainy Season Lecture

IKIGAI lecture

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