The Pillow Book; the rise of essay

Happy New Year! To commemorate the New Year’s Day, I’d like to analyze into classical Japanese literature, “The Pillow Book”. (Makurano Soshi in Japanese).


Sei Shonagon wrote an essay compilation book titled “The Pillow Book”, historically she was a pioneer of essay with free writing style dealing with various issues in Heian Era (794-1185). She wrote with overflowing wit and esprit, sometimes sarcastically, and sometimes comically. I personally adore the style she established.


From ancient times, Murasaki Shikibu a woman novelist who wrote a master piece of love story of 54 volumes titled “The tale of Genji”, and Sei Shonagon who is a pioneer lady of essay have been compared and contrasted. Murasaki Shikibu is often mentioned as a lyrical and emotional story-teller while Sei Shonagon is described as a high spirit and ingenious writer.


I took this “The Pillow Book” from a bookshelf of my late father. Let me introduce you an essay of “Spring Dawn”. I did the English translation.


In spring, the dawn is supreme. Mountain lines come to look clear from misty white. And purplish clouds are thinly floating making the lines a little brighter.


In summer, night is supreme. Needless to say, the moon time is beautiful. But also in darkness, plenty of fire flies flying around is stunning. And it’s poetic just one or two flying across slightly shining. Rain fall is tasteful as well.


In autumn, the sunset is supreme. It is beautiful when the sun is hanging on the edge of mountain and crows three or four, two or three are flying hastily back home. Moreover, geese flying setting up a line far away tinily is so scenic. After the sunset, listening to the sound of winds and the sound of insects is beyond description.


In winter, early morning is supreme. Needless to say when it’s snowing. Frost is so white or not, when freezing cold, making a fire in a hurry and carrying around the charcoal fire suits early winter morning. In the afternoon when the coldness gets milder, the fire on a brazier is unpleasant for loads of white ash.


I studied this essay in a classical Japanese class when in high school. The atmosphere is filled with crystalized transparent beauty. Sei Shonagon is genuinely unique; she didn’t mention that spring is beautiful because of cherry blossoms, but she declares that the dawn is supreme.


It is written various kinds of things in “The Pillow Book” and it is filled with enchanting surprise. As if opening a toy treasure box, it evolves distinctively one after another. I assume Sei Shonagon was a woman who saw things from an unusual viewpoint and enjoyed each new born idea utterly. And she amused herself with new concepts and imaginations mixing and mingling them all together. The intellectual play style was her own and at the same time, she possessed poisonous stings without hiding.


Not only beautiful and crystal clear sentences, she also wrote bashings and sarcasm quite bluntly. However, the authenticity of “The Pillow Book” is that it didn’t decline into ugly nor lowbrow, but it is embedded with some sort of brightness.


Many of women literature in Heian Era are damp and sissy, often the times authors wrote their sufferings and agonies and they tend to end up with seeking for Buddhism salvation. On the contrary, “The Pillow Book” is filled with wondrous brightness and brilliance. That’s the reason why it has been read and cherished more than 1000 years.


From time to time I imagine to establish one and only world like that devoting my whole life. “The Pillow Book” ( Makurano Soshi ) is far, far away. Far, far beyond to reach. Even though, looking up such an exquisite literature that is sparkling luminously is so rejoicing…


参考文献: 日本の古典を読む⑧ 枕草子  
校訂・訳者 松尾聰・永井和子
発行所:  株式会社 小学館

Kazuo Ishiguro and Nagasaki

Silver Mine Kingdom; IWAMI

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