Hi there! Today I want to write about the only UNESCO world cultural heritage site in Tokyo, the National Museum of Western Art, a little further. I think many of the readers of this blog do love intellectual stimulation so much. And I believe you would agree that you obtain so much joy and pleasure when you are able to access accumulations of intelligence that late leading figures left for the next generations. It doesn’t matter if you are a professional or an expert to the specific area.

I visited one of the architecture that Le Corbusier designed that are built in nearly 60 countries all over the world. I took some pictures at the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo and after I got back home in Kyushu island, I reviewed the concept of the architecture while reading this book.

In the book, I learned that Le Corbusier believed that it was important to study and discover from the past works and achievements for the sake of world peace and further development. By believing so, he kept on researching for museums as containers of the previous matters and facts. The reason why he finds so much values on museums is that he keeps an attitude of understanding the past that is so worthy. I can tell that he practiced his principle by learning something new through the act of seeing and searching for something old.
To tell the truth, I went in the museum with my sweetheart when I was an university student in Tokyo back in the 90’s. The interior design of the architecture was so unique as it was quite different from other museums. You have to go walk through the inside going up and going down the slopes then your view point changes as you walk along. I can still picture it clearly after 20 years. The message that Corbusier wanted to tell us was that he wanted us to enjoy the beautiful and mesmerizing things that were collected from all over the world by taking different angles and different approaches. Even though Le Corbusier was quite eloquent and splendid at promoting his works, he didn’t depend on words and languages to convey his beliefs and thoughts. Instead he designed architecture with so much energy and passion and his pure message is being sent out ceaselessly, even today.

I imagine Corbusier had 2 aspects of characteristics as he carried on his task. He possessed huge amount of passion that was so solid and not easily be shaken, and at the same time he had cool intelligence that he analyzed and saw through things from above. And not only that he had a great sense of freedom that enabled him to fly further. I cant’t help but think that there are so many proofs and evidence on the backside of the remarkable achievements of the genius.
If you are interested in Le Corbusier, I wrote another blog article about him titled “Le Corbusier and Music”. Go check out the back number if you wish. I visited Stuttgart Germany to see his early works.
なお、コルビュジエに関する記事は、”Le Corbusier and Music” というタイトルでドイツのヴァイセンホーフを訪れた時のものも書いています。ご興味がありましたら、上記のブログ記事をご覧ください。
That’s all for today! Blessings to each one of you!