Across Fukuoka, BCS award for architecture

One rainy afternoon, I dropped by Across Fukuoka to reissue my passport on the way to work. Said good bye to the #3 passport  of mine and said hello to the #4. Hopefully I’d love to go visit many countries for both business and private trips in the next 10 years. 10 years ago, I reissued my passport before visiting Alaska. 20 years ago, I reissued it when visiting South East Asian Countries. Looking back each decade of my life is not bad.


Across Fukuoka where they have “Passport Center” is such a chic architecture. I googled and found out that this building got BCS award of architecture association in 1996. Mountain is the concept of The Step Garden. The big roof top greenery turned out to be an oasis of a busy district.


Inside of the building is cool too.


It’s like this, if you look up.


And also, Across Fukuoka has a  concert venue with very high quality sound facilities. I came here to appreciate a classical  piano concert of Alice Sarah Otto and a jazz concert of Chick Corea and Makoto Ozone.


And right across the street (not pun intended!) there is a very old shrine.


It’s very Japan that you come “Across” such traditional temples and shrines in a bustling city center.


library and the peaceful atmosphere

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