sakura, cherry blossoms, sakura in COVID, コロナ禍での桜、コロナの日々、days in COVID, エッセンシャルワーカー、コロナの中で働く、ひさかたの光のどけき春の日に

Around this time of the year, whole nation of Japan gets a bit excited with good anticipation enjoying Sakura, cherry blossoms. However, because of COVID that has been giving serious impact with long deep dark shadow from the year before last, I feel like this year Sakura is colored with different tone.


Even though, compared with last year that we were not allowed to have a Hanami pick nick under cherry trees and just saw Sakura when walking or driving, it’s much better this year. I was able to go an excursion and getting accustomed to “New Normal” and each one of us came to be resilient and flexible toward the tough reality.


For last 2 weeks, I was looking up Sakura from blooming to scattering each day with much affection.


Sakura at a mountain shrine in Kumamoto.


Kumamoto Castle Moat. Had devastating damage from Kumamoto earthquakes in 2016, now it’s under restoration.


Twilight moment in a park.


Looking up the sky.


Same as other countries, Japanese society suffered from serious damage due to COVID. Harmful influence toward economy is immeasurable. Many of hotel and travel industries, tourism industries, aviation industries, railway industries, restaurant business, clothing industries, cosmetic industries, etc won’t recruit new employees this year. Students and people who look for job are facing with unprecedented period. From now on, discussions regarding Basic Income to introduce will be more realistic.


While coexisting with COVID, wearing a mask became an everyday thing. When you walk around a city, you come across people with various masks. I changed my view toward mask and decided to have fun as a fashion item.


Bought a mask made with fabric named Kurume Kasuri that was invented around in 1800 in Edo period. Historically, Kurume Kasuri was used for farmers’ clothing and it was not highly valuable. But nowadays, it became Important Cultural Property of Japan and being recognized as traditional industrial art. Now it’s pricy fabric as a fashion icon and getting popular. The mask I’m wearing was about 1800 yen, (18 US dollars) and it’s not cheap. But it is very well sewed and neatly taken care of made in Japan product. I love it.


Famous Sakura spot in Fukuoka, Nishi-Kohen.


From ancient times, Sakura is heart of Japanese. The Japanese look forward its blooming every year and enjoy the precious fortnight, appreciate the pale pink petals dearly. And Sakura commemorates encounter and departure. We see transient beauty in the scattering petals in the spring breeze, and ponder the meaning of uncertain our daily life.


There occurs many natural disasters in Japan and the Japanese have tendency to accept resignation when things are way out of control. People accept the unchangeable destiny and work diligently to overcome things that can be changed. If COVID is one of the natural disasters and all we can do is to coexist, we must become resilient, wise, and creative as much as possible. This spring, I was thinking so again and again.


Lastly, I want to share a poem of Kino Tomonori (845~907). Presumably, it is carved in our genes deeply that the Japanese find transient beauty in Sakura petals scattering away one by one in its full bloom.

最後に、桜のことを詠んだ、紀友則(845~907) の和歌をご紹介します。今を盛りに咲き誇る花が、一つ一つひらひらと潔く舞い散ってゆく様に、私たちはある種の儚さの中にある美を思います。その心は、きっと日本人の遺伝子の中に深く刻み込まれているのでしょう。

Daddy’s Character Bento!

Metropolis is organic; Tenjin Fukuoka

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