Philosophy of the Blog

I’ve been writing Aya’s Cool Japan Blog for almost 3 years. Including the previous blog that I was writing personally, I’ve been fascinated about the project to promote the charm of Japan to all over the world for 5 years. I’ve been literally in love with this project and thinking over what to write about day and night, night and day. From many different angles and with various topics, I write. I’m a linguist and I experience blissful moments when writing. To be more precise, I can’t live along every day if I don’t write anything. Writing means to live well for me. I’m as if confirming myself by doing so.

Aya’s Cool Japan Blog を三年間書いてきました。その前身の個人ブログも入れると、約5年の間、日本の魅力を多面的な角度から切り取り、私独自の視点も絡めて世界に発信するというプロジェクトに、寝ても醒めても夢中になっています。私は語学を専門にしているので、日本語でも英語でも文章を書くことに深い喜びを感じています。というより、生きる営みとして文を書かずに日々暮らしてゆけないのです。文章を綴るということが「自分の生を紡ぐ」ということの確認行為として常にそこにあります。

You are introverted and at the same time, you are extroverted. You cope with your situation and you adapt to the circumstance, and you develop yourself rooted and grounded in something. In my case, this Aya’s Cool Japan Blog project is rooted in and sprouting from my background. I was born in Japan as a Japanese and feel so proud of Japan. I’ve been learning and teaching multi languages. I want to make at the most of my career and my personal history, I desire to contribute to the society with good vibrations. I believe that this project as an important mission that I must carry out by taking my whole life.

人は誰しも内向性と外向性を同時に抱え、その時々で変化しつつ、自分の一番しっくりくる着地点に根を下ろし、自分らしさを育てながら発展してゆくのだと思いますが、このAya’s Cool Japan プロジェクトは、自身のこれまでの人生、日本に日本人として生まれ日本のことを深く愛し誇りに思い、また多言語を学び教えてきた自分の経歴を最大限に活かして社会に貢献するのだという、自分の中に芽生えた使命のようなものに命を吹き込む一大事業です。

I have deep knowledge and unique intelligence that I acquired all through my life, and I don’ t want to waste them by just using for my own sake. I desire to create something truly worthwhile for well-being of others, for people all over the world. I try to improve my ideas with trial and error, and I want to share the good picture with you all. I’ve been focusing on the subject for the last 5 years. It was the days that I strived to transform my personal viewpoints into objective values.


I don’t have a child, and I sometimes wonder if this passion that I made birth this project and blow in soul and raise it up in order to be welcomed by the world is similar to affection that you have when raising your child. When I’m thinking about this blog and making a research, or jotting down ideas on my notepad, or talking with my husband, I can sense that my parents raised me up by having this passion, energy, attachment, and affection toward me. It doesn’t matter if you have your own child or not. You just desire to raise up something and you pray to give birth to something wonderful.


At the moment, the slogan “Japan is so cool and people abroad adore us” is a big hit in Japan. Many TV programs and books are featuring the topic, probably due to the good business climate before Tokyo Olympics 2020. I think I can learn from the trend and it is necessary to analyze and get organized the information, therefore I carried out some good research. However, almost all the opinions and information are just telling the fact and I have never come across things or lines that touched heart string of mine. By that very reason, I chose the filed. I’m struggling so hard to establish a new genre of Japanology that you write and analyze from a personal viewpoint in both Japanese and English.


It is impossible to make something form nothing. What I’m trying to do is like I pick up yarns and threads scattered all over the place. The yarns and the threads are all different shapes, width, colors, and fabrics. I give names and places to be for each one of them, and I challenge a big task to create a beautiful tapestry day and night. And I want to make up a room of my own filled with those tapestries, interesting books, and vessels that are all one of a kind.


When I travel inside of Japan or abroad, I bring back something that attracts me dearly. I display those precious things and make my room lovely. I love traditional Japanese beauty and get back to Japanese culture of Ukiyoe or Origami once agin. I cook Washoku, Japanese traditional meals for every day making dashi broth from scratch. My daily life makes who I am and it turns out to be the nutrition for my Aya’s Cool Japan Blog. And I want to invite you to my room and we share the beautiful image one another and it leads to make our spirits rich and affluent. If I give a concept and structure to my project, it is something like this.

日本や世界を旅して、その土地土地で見つけた心嬉しくなるものを部屋に持ち帰り、自分好みの部屋を作る。古くからある日本の伝統美を愛し、浮世絵や折り紙などの文化にもう一度立ち返ってみる。毎日の食事は出汁からとった和食を中心にする。そうやって日々暮らしてゆくことが栄養になり、私の綴るAya’s Cool Japan Blogの世界観を形作ってゆく。そしてこの部屋にあなたを招き入れ、そこにある美しいイメージを共有することによってお互いの心がどこかしら豊かになる。この取り組みに概念を与えると、つまりはこういうことになると考えています。

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