The Pillow Book, Kyoto, Finland

The Pillow Book,枕草子、清少納言、Japan and Finland, dreams come true, 夢を叶える、 にほんご, Japanese literature, 平安時代、平安文学

Dropped by a book store first time in a long time. I’m always reading books, but since nestling at home due to COVID, I’ve been ordering ones on the internet. So when took a book of “From Finland to Kyoto, Seeking for Lady Sei Shonagon (Japanese translation) ” at hand, I had an intuition that it’s a must buy. The red cover words “Sei, you and I are amazingly alike” spoke to me directly and something clicked inside of me.
*Lady Sei Shonagon is the pioneer of essayists of 1,000 years ago Japan.


The book is about a Finnish editor lady won grants and took long vacation and stayed in Kyoto, seeking for the times of “The Pillow Book” and the footsteps of the author Lady Sei Shonagon. The writer Mia Kankimaki majored in comparative literature in Helsinki University and studied Japanese Heian literature.


When reading, I was captured by a mystic feeling. The writer Mia and Lady Sei Shonagon lived in different times and countries, but two of them are closely connected one another somewhere so deep. I can sense it clearly. A philosophy of Zulu of South Africa, “I find my value in you, and you find your value in me” can be seen and the relationship of the two ladies spreads like water crests and reaching me comfortably.


The stage of the essay is in Kyoto. In summer of 16, I visited Kyoto for school excursion. I found the infamous reputation of Kyotoites being scheming in a taxi driver, felt nothing special for the glittering Kinkakuji temple (the Golden Pavilion), but touched by Wabi Sabi of Ginkajuji temple (the Silver Pavilion, made of black woods not silver), walked Tetsugaku no Michi (Philosopher’s path), and talked with a French lady who stayed at the same inn. We met at a bath and I talked to her in English and turned out she was a French. I told her that I just started learning French. The next day, I was standing alone outside of the inn and met her again. Showed her a French handbook that just bought at a second hand book shop nearby Kyoto University, and learned French sentence from her.


And my cousin that I was waiting for showed up by a taxi, and I explained her what’s going on. She said “Erai-koccha .(meaning “oh, boy”, in Kansai dialect)” And my cousin and I taught the meaning of “Erai-koccha.” to the French lady laughing joyously.


While reading “From Finland to Kyoto, Seeking for Lady Sei Shonagon” memories of Kyoto come along. In the book the essays from “The Pillow Book” are spotted here and there, the translator did a great job, but the writing style of Mia is like from “The Pillow Book” flowing exquisitely and I felt as if Lady Sei Shonagon is showing herself between the lines. It is magical.


Mia followed her all time favorite Lady Sei Shonagon to Kyoto, and she exchanged conversations with the court lady of 1,000 years ago full of esprit and special charms in her mind. And I also embrace “The Pillow Book” in my mind when writing this ©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog. Since I first learned about the book in junior high school Japanese class, I’ve been believing that I’m the Lady Sei Shonagon type of girl. I’m not able to construct a magnificent story like Lady Murasaki of “The Tale of Genji”, but I might have a talent for writing essays creating and connecting things freely and make up one and only world.

ミアはずっと好きだった清少納言のことを追いかけて京都まで来て、心の中で一千年前の才気溢れる宮廷女房と会話をかわしながら随筆を書いたけれど、私もまた、この ©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog を書きながら、枕草子のことをいつも何処かで意識している。中学生の頃に国語の授業で習って以来、私は自分を清少納言タイプだと思って来た。源氏物語を書いた紫式部のような壮大な物語を構築する力はないけれど、様々な事柄を自由自在に組み合わせて世界観を作り出す随筆の方には、長けているのではないか、と。

And according to Mia, a Finnish design critique wrote about Lady Sei Shonagon for an interior magazine, the title was “Definition of Elegance”. I’m so proud and delighted to know that the charms of Lady Sei Shonagon is reaching to Finland as well.


When you create something, there are layers of hints and materials of ideas all sorts of different sizes and shapes and colors, and there stand various notices and recognitions, and you fix positioning at the very best stance and angle, and you season them all with your unique techniques and tools: they’re the secrets of making things. Mia actually moved to Kyoto and sought for Lady Sei Shonagon with all her might, plus her skills of writing as a professional, and her passion and longing toward Lady Sei Shonagon since young, all the endeavors bore fruit and this book was born. And also, like Mia, I’m creating something that can trace back the history of “The Pillow Book”, I believe.


In the life of aristocrats and royal family honoring beauty and elegance as supreme value, Lady Sei Shonagon wrote essays as the frontier 1,000 years ago Japan, and she sparkles with affluent wits and brilliant free spirit even now. Lady Sei Shonagon has been fascinating us for so long. I am so sure that I’ll adore her all my life.


Love and Peace to the world.


*「清少納言を求めて、フィンランドから京都へ」著者 ミア・カンキマキ 訳者 末延弘子 発行所 株式会社草思社
*「日本の古典を読む⑧ 枕草子」校訂・訳者 松尾聰・永井和子 発行所 株式会社小学館
*「翻訳できない世界のことば」著者/イラスト エラ・フランシス・サンダース 訳者/日本語描き文字 前田まゆみ 発行所 株式会社創元社

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