Online Lecture for Iceland

Iceland, Japan, love of Japan, Japanese lecture, にほんご, Cool Japan, peace message, love and peace, Japanese education,

Had online lectures for high school/ junior college students in Iceland. Due to COVID crisis, I can’t go visit there. However, thanks to the modern technology you can connect with the world, and the time of interactions between Japan and Iceland was so precious. I went to have a lecture for this school 2 years ago, and got good reputation. That led me to have this opportunity.

アイスランドの高校・短大 の生徒を対象にオンライン講演をしました。コロナ禍にあり思うように現地へ赴けない中、世界に繋がれる現代の技術のお陰で、日本とアイスランドが結びついた時間はとても貴重でした。二年前にこの学校で講演をして、ご好評を頂いたので、第二弾の講演会が実現したのです。

41 students in total, I was able to speak to directly. Had lectures for 2 classes for 3 hours.


For the lecture, I made a script introducing stationaries, 1,000 years of female literature, New Year’s celebration, UNESCO world heritage (appreciating Kabuki and Gion Yamakasa at Munakata Shrine), prayer for peace as a citizen of the only nation that experienced atomic bombs, and what I wish for Iceland youngsters: to contribute for the world with their creative way to sustain the globe peacefully.


After the lectures we had question and answer time, and asked the students to fill in questionnaires. The most impressive thing for the students was the 1,000 years of female literature for both classes. A student wants to be a writer and the lecture opened a new path for him/her, s/he wrote. Yes, Iceland is the country that love literature. One in ten publishes a book, and they exchange books for Christmas presents. I’m so delighted to confirm once again that both Japan and Iceland share love of books and literature.


I talked about Atomic Bomb Memorial Day of August 6th, on that day students used to go to school in spite of summer vacation and had a meeting at a gym. A student asked me what we used to do for the meeting, if we had a conference or something. I answered that a victim of the WWⅡ was invited to the school and he/she shared stories of the tragedies and the students had to write an essay for peace.


A student asked me to recommend them Japanese literature, and writers whose books are not translated. I recommended Natsume Soseki, Murakami Haruki, Mishima Yukio whose works are translated. And I also introduced female literature of Ekuni Kaori and Yamada Amy whose works are not translated.


One student asked me about Japanese mythology. Japanese mythology and Shinto religion are inseparable and Munakata Shrine is written in Kojiki and Nihon Shoki the oldest books of Japan. And how the country of Japan was born in the mythology is written in the books, I answered. I told that in the blog, there are articles of Munakata Shrine and Meiji Shrine and other shrines.


A student requested me to tell them stories of ghosts. I talked about Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yagumo), an English man who became Japanese and wrote books of ghosts in Izumo region, and told them that when I visited the area, I felt some kind of mystic and a little strange atmosphere. A manga artist Mizuki Shigeru is from the neighboring area and he fought war in South East Asia during WWⅡ, he survived through the war and after he got back to Japan he made manga and anime based on his background and experiences. And I also talked about Itako, a kind of shamanism of Northern Japan. There are various kinds of folk tales of ghosty stories all across the country.


When I visited Iceland 2 years ago, a little boy asked me about ghosts of Japan. Icelanders are very interested in the topic.


For the questionnaires, there written their future dreams and opinions very actively. I was glad to read the feedback and felt so rewarding. I switched from English into Japanese back and forth, and one wrote the way I talk was so interesting. I didn’t expect such a comment, but it made me smile. I am so pleased that I was able to plant a good seed to young people in Iceland, by sharing Japanese culture.


From now on, I hope to have online lectures teaching Japanese culture all over the world.


Love and Peace to the world.


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