Girls, be ambitious!

New project is launched. Wasabi Tours gave me an opportunity for this ©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog to start an English and Japanese bilingual talk program, Lunch Time English WASABI Talk ™. Now we’re working hard for the preparation. 

新しい事業が始動しています。この、©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog を英語と日本語の私の語りで発信する番組を、Wasabi Tours さんが作ってくださるという、大変有難い話を持ちかけてくれました。私は本当に果報者だと、胸に熱いものが沸いて来ます。今、Lunch Time English WASABI Talk™ にて、鋭意準備中です。

Wasabi Tours is a local experience service provider that is operated by Kayuki Kihara who is a Japan Licensed Guide and Travel Consultant. She is my dear friend since 18. And WASABI Talk ™ is one of Wasabi Tours’ brands. 

Wasabi Tours は、18才の頃からの大切な友人である、全国通訳案内士の木原佳弓妃さんがはじめた、地域体験サービス提供事業です。その中の一つのブランドとしての位置付けに、WASABI Talk™ があります。

Without Kayuki-chan, I couldn’t have survived through this life. We’ve been through both twinkling beautiful moments like young leaves, and the days of sorrowful agony tears. We helped one another and encouraged each other for more than 2 decades. We are more of just friends, we are more like war buddies who battled this bone-breaking life together.


We met for the first time in an English class of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies when freshmen. Hit it off right after we started chatting. I think our uniqueness attracted one another. Kayuki spent her childhood in Saudi Arabia and she was interested in Gender studies and majored in Arabic. I was from Sasebo who mastered basic English conversation at the American Navy Base, dreaming of becoming a journalist and majored in Malaysian.

東京外国語大学の新入生の時に、英語のクラスで一緒になって、出会った瞬間に意気投合した私達は、とてもユニークな所がお互いを魅了しあったのだと思います。旧姓:宮本 佳弓妃さんは サウジアラビアで小学生時代を過ごした帰国子女で、アラビア語を専攻しながらジェンダー論に夢中になっていた人。私、リンダことは 基地の街、佐世保の米軍ハウスで英会話を体得して、ジャーナリストを夢見ていたマレーシア語専攻。

Kayuki Miyamoto taught me so many interesting stories of Arab counties that I had never heard of. When the time of university festival, we sold hibiscus tea that she bought in Egypt wearing Santa Clause costume. The memories of the beautiful late autumn day will last forever in our heart.


Both Kayuki and I were very interested in international affairs and cultures of foreign countries and languages, and we were able to enter the prestigious university. Back in the days we often shared topics of Japan so passionately. Japan is such a beautiful country with rich culture and language, but Japanese are unaware of our beauty! It’s so stupid that Japanese love speaking ill of ourselves! And we shared the same spirit of Love & Peace. Looking back 25 years ago, it is so wondrous that the future paths of our lives were vaguely appeared in those conversations.

カユキちゃんも私も、国際情勢や世界各国の文化や言語に強い興味を持って、外大の狭き門をくぐりましたが、二人でよく日本の魅力について熱く語り合っていました。日本はこんなにも美しくて豊かな文化と言葉を持つ国なのに、日本人は日本の魅力を知らなすぎる!日本人が日本のことを悪くいうのが当たり前な風潮は、おかしい!と。そして、Love & Peace への想いもよく話していました。今こうして25年前を振り返ると、もうその頃から私達が進む道への指標は、うっすらとその像を結びかけていたのが分かり、なんだか不思議な気持ちになります。

It was Kayuki who first found out the value of my writing when I started a previous bilingual cooking blog promoting the charm of Japan. When I challenged so many difficult projects, she was so compassionate when I couldn’t make it, and she congratulated me from the bottom of her heart when I managed to pass it. When I was devastated facing with unbelievably difficult situation, she encouraged me powerfully that I must believe in the value of what I’m creating, and she evaluated my work highly.


Girls, be ambitious! We have power in ourselves to picture big dreams and we can go over high walls making enormous efforts with so much excitement. Somebody is watching you, somebody is watching your earnest passion. You might cry in the muddy path, but you have strength to endure. Somebody is sure to support you from the back firmly. If you cherish your friend sincerely, the friend will give you an unexpected gift. Somebody might hurt you, but someone is sure to warm you up graciously.


Everyone, who has a heart of an eternal girl, let’s link our good intention one by one, and bloom flowers of Love & Peace. Teacher AYA’s Lunch Time English WASABI Talk ™ is here to apply for. 

心の中に永遠の少女を持つ皆さん、私達の良き想いを繋げていって、世界にLove & Peace の花を咲かせて行きましょう。Lunch Time English WASABI Talk ™ でライブ配信される、©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog のAYA先生に学んでみたいと思ったら、ぜひこちらから申し込んでください。

Blessings to you all!


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