Miyazaki Travelogue

Miyazaki, hidden treasure, 宮崎, Starbucks Miyazaki Citrus Frappuccino, 高千穂, Summer Trip, Takachiho valley, cross, クルスの海

Had a summer trip to Miyazaki in July, 2021. Please enjoy the travelogue here. It was a road trip, taking 2 whole days. We drove through the affluent Mother Nature. On the way, dropped by a hidden but famous soba noodle restaurant named Waremokou in Oguni, Kumamoto. Had lunch at 10:30 in the morning! Ordered red cow beef Namban soba, limited menu. Red cow brought up grazing at Kujyu highland is fabulous always. Bought Kudzukiri; kudzu starch noodle sweets and buckwheat tea for souvenir and heading for Miyazaki with high spirit.

2021年の7月は、宮崎へ夏旅に行ってきました。その紀行文をお楽しみください。まる2日かけてのRoad trip。溢れる大自然の中を車で駆け抜けてきました。途中、熊本の小国にある隠れた名店のお蕎麦屋さん吾亦紅(われもこう)で、朝の10時半すぎにはもう昼ご飯。限定メニューの赤牛南蛮そばを食しました。久住高原で放牧されて育った赤牛は、やはりいつ食べても美味。葛切りと蕎麦茶をお土産に買って、上機嫌でいざ行かん宮崎の地へ。


Went by Kujyu highland seeing cows pasturing, I was chatting with my husband that Iceland I visited 2 years ago for a lecture trip was similar to Kujyu since both of them are in volcanic zone. And we went on and on. Surrounded by the Mother Nature, your nerves get disentangled and your mind becomes lighter. Got wet with the rain, but thanks to that the temperature got much lower and it became comfortable, then we arrived at Takachiho valley, Miyazaki, the famous sightseeing spot.



The enchanting landscape of water and greenery. Bought the heart shaped unglazed charm for 100 yen, and made a wish. May your dreams come true!


After leaving Takachiho valley, we headed for Miyazaki Cruz Sea Spot. Cruz is Spanish but in English it means a cross. The ocean and the cliff meeting spot is the shape of a cross and the shape represents a word of “(dreams) come true” in Japanese.

高千穂峡を辞して、次に目指すは宮崎のクルスの海。スペイン語の cruz は英語では cross 、海と崖の交差する所が十字架の形になっていて、「叶う」という漢字の形になっているのです。


I was gazing at the waves hitting on the rocky cliff harshly, and further, you can see the vast Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Ocean is massive. There was nothing to hinder in the sight in front of me. The view connected with a map of Japan in my mind and I could sense the shape of the Japanese Archipelago. It was something. I was praying that this blog be spread to the world more broadly and deeply.


And spent the night at an inn in Hyuga city. Ate Miyazaki famous Chicken Nanban for dinner, but we were too hungry to take a photo. The home of Chicken Nanban that Miyazaki is, it was 10 times more delicious than the ones that I usually buy at a bento shop.



For the next morning, we went to a memorial museum of Wakayama Bokusui that Miyazaki raised. In the deep mountain it was located. Please have a read for the detail in the article below.



Water and greenery of Miyazaki are overwhelmingly beautiful. Mountains are dense and the rivers are blue. I wonder if the vegetation is varied. There are scarcely discomforting signboards nor advertising boards at all. The rich nature is untouched and it is bountiful. My heart got filled with rejoice silently and surely. There still are hidden treasures in Japan indeed! I can’t go abroad at the moment, but I spent some quality time perfectly.


And we were able to try out this summer special Miyazaki limited edition Hyuga-natsu citrus Frappuccino at Starbuck in Nobeoka station. It was so sweet and super sour, our drowsiness was blown away! So adorable and refreshing, very Miyazaki, I thought. This summer Starbucks Coffee Japan was having a “drink local” campaign, there were 47 different kinds of Frappuccino in total, each local Frappuccino at each prefecture of 47. And we were so looking forward to it.



Our summer vacation is in the midst of COVID crisis, and we avoided crowds and public transportations and made a road trip, but it turned out to be so cool. It was ecstatic driving through the wild nature. Enjoy and cherish every moment under any circumstances flexibly, and find true values hidden in a small detail. And I wish to find more beauty and meanings plentifully in the life unfolds. The summer trip brought me the thoughts.

コロナ禍の夏休みなので、人混みを避け、公共交通機関は使わずのRoad tripでしたが、それが逆にとても良かった。溢れる自然の中を車でグイーンと走り抜けるのは、またとない快感でした。その時その時で置かれた状況を柔軟に楽しんで、小さなものの中に隠れている大きな価値をもっと一生懸命に探して、これから先の人生においても沢山見つけて行きたいと、そう思った夏旅でした。

On the back way, the evening glow at Beppu Bay was lovely as well…


Love and Peace to the world!


Lonesome Poet, Wakayama Bokusui

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