As of being a translator I want to share what I think daily, it will be interesting for someone who is interested in this occupation. What is the most significant skill for a translator? If it were a translator of English and Japanese, it’s needless to say reading comprehension is crucial, and having skills of writing Japanese and English with high accuracy. And one must have wide range of expressions that can cope with highly technical contents as well. When translating easy sentences, it’s important to have free spirit going English and Japanese back and forth.
But first and foremost, the most important nature of a translator is having geeky sprit as a language lover. Another word: a bookworm. If you can’t live along a single day without reading and writing, you have high potential to be an excellent translator.
Clients give me good evaluation for beautiful Japanese sentences when I do translation. I appreciate this comment that is often given by both Japanese and non-Japanese.
Where to change and what to change in order to make it more beautiful, when rearranging, making up, and polishing up sentences between two languages? To acquire excellent sense of language, it’s a must to read huge amount of good quality sentences on a daily basis. The stock of words in yourself and color variation from dark to light of the words count. I attained the basic skills in high school by reading a lot of good literature. Japanese modern literature of Kawabata, Dazai, Mishima, Soseki, and Ohgai etc, is vast ocean of the treasure box.
For young readers who are willing to become a translator, I highly recommend to read Japanese modern literature as much as you can when your brain is still very flexible. And you ought to absorb the depth, the width, and the delicateness of Japanese language utmost.
Quite frankly, I don’t admit the value of AI translator at all. Titles of “Anne of Green Gables” and “Little Women” are translated wonderfully into Japanese. They are very inspirational and they lit the fire of imagination for Japanese readers. The exquisite sense of language can never be mimicked by AI translator.
私はAI翻訳の価値を全く認めていません。”Anne of Green Gables” に「赤毛のアン」、”Little Women”に「若草物語」と邦題をつけた翻訳者たちのことを考えてください。私たちの想像力に働きかけ強く豊かに作用する、その卓越した言葉選びの感性は、決してAIに真似できる芸当ではありません。

In the midst of COVID crisis, I’m embracing words that keep me encouraging. They are “I did lots of translation during the war (WWⅡ)”, left by the translator of “Anne of Green Gables” Muraoka Hanako (1893~1968). The words are sheer gold. At the time of air raids, she escaped from the war of fire holding the translation scripts tightly.
このコロナ禍にあって、心の支えとなり目標としている言葉があります。それは「赤毛のアン」の翻訳者である村岡花子(1893~1968) が書き残した「戦争中に私はたくさんの翻訳をしておいた。」という金言です。空襲の時は、翻訳原稿を胸に抱きかかえて戦火の海を逃げたとも生前に語っていました。村岡花子
Planting seeds when every one is desperate thinking it’s the end of the world. And seeking for light intently at far end of the darkness without looking back. And after the war “Anne of Green Gables” became a masterpiece of translated literature in Japan. All Japanese come to know the title of the book and it has been giving rigorous power to girls to dream big and pursue it to make it come true.
If you are determined to win over something, you must fight for it. And if you are certain that something you want is beneficial for many others as well, you can be a warrior no matter how fragile and vulnerable you might be. Not only translating and introducing literature pieces, Hanako believed in the power of logos and she planted hopes for boys and girls in Japan. I admire Muraoka Hanako as much as Tsuda Umeko, both were leading female figures of Japan.
何かを勝ち取るためには闘わなければならないし、その何かが自分だけの益ではなく広く多くの人々にとって善なるものになると確信があれば、人はたとえ弱く儚い存在であっても、勇者たり得るのだと思います。ただ文学作品を翻訳紹介するにとどまらず、言葉に宿るロゴス(言語、理性、実体化されて世界を支配する理法)の力を信じて、ペンの力で日本中の少年少女たちに語りかけ続けた村岡花子。彼女もまた津田梅子 (1864~1929) に並び、私が憧れ尊敬する女性です。津田梅子

Love and Peace to the world.
「村岡花子エッセイ集 腹心の友たちへ」著者 村岡花子 発行所 河出書房新社