Backlash to Japanography

Japanography, ジャパノグラフィー、日本学、日本研究、査読、査読者の能力、学術の闇、査読の問題、Japanology, Japan Studies, ジャパノグラフィー批判、バイリンガルブログ、日本文化発信

The purpose of this blog is to keep records of the path of creating and expanding ‘Japanography’; writing and lecturing Japanese culture from grass root inspired by The Pillow Book. Therefore, it is meaningful and wise to keep track of the progress of my own studies. I’m a freelancer and I’m creating and studying Japanography from outside of the academic world.

このブログは、枕草子を着想の元とした、草の根から日本文化を書き講義する「ジャパノグラフィー®︎ 」を作り広げて行く過程を記録して行くという場でもあるので、自身の研究の進捗具合も一つの資料として残しておいた方が良いだろう。私は現在フリーランスでどこにも属しておらず、したがって在野の者であり、その視点からものを見て書いている。

I completed studies in Kyoto University of the Arts in this March, and wrote Master’s thesis with the format of Study Practice Report regarding activities of Japanography so far. The term ‘Japanograohy’ and the logo passed trademark inspection, and this blog is conserved and opened in Web Archiving Project of National Diet Library, Japan. And I’ve been endeavoring to post the article to academic journals. The progress of this challenge is significant to record. What journals I tackled on and what results came and what comments I received. It will be an essential springboard.


This week, I received Rejection from a prestigious university journal. And read the two reviewers comments. They seemed uncontrollably furious, I describe it so modestly. I posted my article in English, then English and Japanese reviews arrived. I wonder why they can be this aggressive and exasperated without possessing self-restraint.


One wrote “It is simply publicity for and and self-justification of the author’s blogging activities.” or “Regarding the term ‘Japanograohy’, it is fine to coin new terms. If it catches on as a term, then great.” I simply wonder if this person doesn’t feel shameful to write in such a manner. The capability as a researcher is quite suspicious.

“It is simply publicity for and self-justification of the author’s blogging activities.”(これはただの筆者のブログ活動の宣伝であり、自己正当化にすぎない)であるとか “Regarding the term ‘Japanography’, it is fine to coin new terms. If it catches on as a term, then great.” (「ジャパノグラフィー」という用語に関しては、新しい用語を捻り出しているだけで、それが用語としてウケたのなら素晴らしいだろう)など、この様な文章の書き方をして、自分で恥ずかしくならないのだろうか。これでは、研究者としての資質を疑われてしまう。

Another wrote, “Simply, what does this instructor educate regarding gender discrimination towards connotation of Kawaii? UN human rights committee warned Japanese high school girls becoming commodity of sex slavery, uncritical and unconscious information circulation induces reproduction of discrimination. If education becomes the reproduction place of discrimination and prejudice, it will be the place of social harm.” if my article was responded in this way, I think it will be sheerly in vain no matter what I write toward this person. In the first place, Hello Kitty, I analyzed in the article with a photo is an image character of UN SDGs promotion.

もう一人の人はこう書いた。「端的にいって、『カワイイ』のコノテーションとしての性差別をインストラクターはどう教育するのだろうか。国連の人権委員会が、日本の「JK」商品化を性奴隷性として勧告対象にしてきたように、無批判で無自覚な情報流通は差別の再生産になる。教育が差別や偏見の再生産の場になれば、それは社会的な害悪の場となってしまうだろう。」というコメントにも、書いた論考に対してこの様な捉え方をする人には、どんな言葉を持ってしても通じないと純粋に思った。そもそも、写真を載せてカワイイについて分析したハロー・キティは、国連のSDGs イメージキャラクターである。

The article I posted to the journal was summery of Master’s Thesis that I uploaded previously. Regarding my activity of Japanography, I wrote the content and achievement with objective truth, and argued Japanese culture dissemination from Meiji Era Intellects to the present, and proposed Japanography that favors peaceful world of Zen and Kawaii be studied and practiced further.

私が投稿した内容は、以前アップした修士論文を英語で要約したものである。自身のジャパノグラフィー®︎ 活動に関して、これまでの取り組みの内容と到達したことの客観的な事実を述べて、明治知識人から現在に至るまでの日本文化発信を論じ、Zen と Kawaii を好む平和的な世界観を持つ、その一つの流れとしてジャパノグラフィー®︎を作り、そのジャパノグラフィーの実践と研究が進む様に提案する論考を書いた。

Toward the article, I received hysterical responds. It is the darkness of academia that reviewers who are lacking in the ability of constructive argument or pointing out nonsense matters are in charge of academic journal’s review. And it is injustice that the one who posts must submit all information, while reviewers keeping anonymity. If one has to reveal one’s name, s/he won’t be able to write such reviews. It is critically problematic academic malady, I suppose.


Nevertheless, I’ve already faced with such abrupt explosion of researchers handful times. Hence, I’m not overly surprised. More than anything, it’s more crucial to keep records of such negative reactions as proof. Consciously or unconsciously, my project is stirring up such great stimulation. This can be the evidence that I’m assured that Japanography can fly high and afar.


And I must maneuver strategy more tactfully. I came to a conclusion that spreading Japanography in the world first, then compel academic world to acknowledge the value inevitably. In front of me, there’s a high and steep mountain worth challenging taking whole life is towering.

そしてこれからの戦略としたら、やはりジャパノグラフィー®︎ を世界に広げて、学術が認めざるを得ないところまで持って行くしかないということが分かった。そして前方には、人生をかけて挑戦のし甲斐がある、高く険しい山が聳え立っているのだ。

In spite of that, the message of this blog is Love and Peace!


Making a deep sigh, and savoring hot tea.


Christmas Market & Asia Art

Happy New Year 2025!

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