Yameh-Cha, green tea field

Hello. This summer is so out of the ordinary that we are in the middle of Corona pandemic and unable to enjoy summer vacations. Japanese government announced a slogan to avoid “the three Cs”. “The three Cs” are; closed spaces, crowded places, and close contact. It is a new terminology.


We planned out a day trip avoiding “the three Cs”. The destination was Yameh-Cha green tea field that Kyushu island cherishes. The vast tea field under the scorching heat of August was such a scenic view. It was overwhelmingly beautiful. You could sense slightly sweet aroma of tea leaves, and a few men were harvesting tea even though it was Sunday. They were very tanned and looked so cool driving each tea plucking tractor looking back the bag that is collecting tea leaves. “Working diligently with perspiration” is something so worthy. I was looking at them with a sigh.


The production amount of Yameh-Cha tea is the 6th in Japan, 3% of the whole production. And they produce the biggest amount of high brand tea, traditional GYOKURO (45%) there. Therefore, Yameh is the high brand tea area that the average price of the tea is the most expensive. Japanese green tea has a history of 1,000 years and now it is exported to many countries. Especially, export to Europe and America is increasing rapidly year by year. People abroad recognize that Japanese green tea is so tasty and healthy, and it is so very popular.

八女茶は生産量全国6位で、全国の日本茶生産量の3%を占め、高級茶葉である伝統本玉露の生産が日本一(45%) です。その為、八女はお茶の平均単価も日本一高い、日本有数の高級茶産地であります。日本茶にはおよそ千年もの歴史があり、現在では海外への輸出も盛んで、特に欧州や米国への輸出量は年々増加しています。日本茶は健康飲料であるという認識が海外でも根付き、とても人気が高いのです。

We were so happy walking around the tea field and took a lot of pictures. After that we went to a tea shop. The shop was small but they sell various kinds of tea and lovely Japanese sweets. I asked the clerk if I could take photos for the blog, she said “Sure, please advertise the shop and Yameh-Cha tea!”



And here comes the highlight of the day. We ate soft-served MATCHA green tea ice cream. The ice cream which was made from the tea from the vast tea field was absolutely the best of the bests. So fragrant and thick, they even sprinkled green tea powder on top. If you love MATCHA green tea sweets, why don’t you go all the way to Yameh to try out? It will be so memorable for sure.


We are experiencing a summer that we can’t go abroad nor enjoy good vacations. People all over the world are facing with all sorts of agonies and difficulties big and small. However, in our daly lives, there sure exist joy and pleasure that could be overlooked. I’m so grateful for this summer day-trip that I was able to notice trivial yet beautiful sparkles that make our life so rich.


Abundant blessings to each one of you!


Chang Pong? Ramen?

Japanese is in CRISIS!

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