Visited Tokyo again to attend seminar of the graduate school. I’m so grateful that I encounter with so many good people along the way of establishing ‘Japanography’ ; writing and lecturing Japanese culture in English and Japanese bilingual. It is a huge challenge, but I’m so blessed and always feeling sense of wonder along the journey.

Thanks to my seminar class, I was able to attend an event of Connected Ink Village sponsored by WACOM that is famous for digital pen for a tablet. Pondering about the act of writing and think deeper and deeper. Then I came up with the 1,000 years of women literature.
今回は素敵なご縁があって、タブレットに使うデジタルペンで有名なワコム が主催するイベント、コネクテッド・インク・ビレッジに参加しました。『書く』と言う行為を考え、思考を深めていく中で、女流文学千年の歴史のことを思いました。

From the ancient times, the act of writing meant writing with brush and charcoal ink on Washi paper. In Europe, it was done by using a feather of a bird and ink. In Japanese, relating to the origin of writing with brush, there are many words regarding brush; Fude Mame (write letters often), Fude Busho (seldomly write letters), Eh Fude (picture brush), Ippitu Kaku (write for proof), and etc.

1,000 years of women literature. This picture of Lady Murasaki writing ‘The Tale of Genji’ is used for Wikipedia as well. She holds a brush and puts charcoal ink aside. Nowadays, it’s getting rare to write with brush and charcoal ink other than calligraphy, but Fude Pen that can write calligraphy style letters are used commonly for writing names for money gift for wedding or funeral or other purposes.

I was at a booth of digital pen co-invented by WACOM and PILOT, experiencing the sound of writing. I was so serious, a lady who invited me to the event took a picture! WACOM and PILOT are inventing a new product focusing on the sound of writing when writing letters on a notepad. The viewpoint is so delicate and intricate, so Japanese. The esthetic of Heian period (late 8th century to late 12th century) aristocrats like Lady Murasaki who cherished ephemeral beauty is still here. I was imagining so.
ワコム とパイロット が共同開発した、デジタルペンの書く時の「音」について体験するブースにて。真剣に話している様子を、イベントにご招待くださった方がパチリとしてくださっていました。ノートに書く時の音というものの機微に着目して商品開発をされているという繊細さが、日本らしくてとても素敵なことだと思いました。平安貴族のもののあはれの心が現代にも生きているのかもしれない、などと夢想したりするのも乙なもの。

I actually wrote letters with the digital pen and listened to difference of several sounds. And I shared my opinion about the sound of fountain pen writing on notepad that is intellectual, dear, and warm.

This is also co-invented by WACOM and PILOT. The pressure of pen is reflected upon letters and the texture is same as writing brush and charcoal ink, I thought.
こちらもワコム とパイロットが共同開発されたもの。筆の圧力が文字に映し出されるので、筆で墨を使って書く時と同じ様に、日本語の字体が表現されます。

This is original badge I made. Chose color and wrote what I like. And the next moment it was printed on a badge. So surprising!
Digital pen of WACOM is filled with cutting edge technology and predicting the future. And I personally believe that the fusion of ancient history and state of the art technology, the point old and new melting together is the supreme beauty of Japanese culture.
ワコム のデジタルペンは、時代の最先端技術が集約されたもので、書くことの未来を予言するものですが、古の歴史と先端技術の融合、つまり古いものと新ものが溶け合って交わる点にこそ、日本文化の粋はあると思っています。
And no matter how digitalization advances, I never ever want to give up the act of writing holding a pen. It is the last sacred precinct. And the act of writing with a pen and notepad, and using gadgets, they are equally important and meaningful. The merge of digital and analog, the act of writing, and the fusion of classical literature and modern culture, I spent some quality time of pondering.
Late November, it was a season of appreciating colored leaves in Japan.

Lady Murasaki, and my all time hero Lady Sei Shonagon adored colored leaves in the ancient capital of Kyoto 1,000 years ago and wrote about it. So enchanting.

The fusion of classics and modern, it is the charm of spring of Japanese culture that is attracting the world inevitably. And think about this or that rejoicing from the pivot is philosophy of Japanography.

Love and Peace…..