Transition of Valentine’s Day

“Valentine’s Day is the only day in a year that a girl can confess her love to a boy with chocolate.”


It has been the concept of the Valentine’s Day in Japan. It used to be said that Japanese girls are so shy and modest that they need big amount of courage to confess their love, and the Valentine’s Day was a very special day for girls to open up their hearts. Girls were very busy preparing for the special occasion making or buying chocolate.


However, this relatively new tradition that came after World War Ⅱ is actually changing as time goes by. It is said not small number of young people have a tendency of avoiding “falling in love” and “dating” experiences lately. In Japan there is a word “herbivore boys” and girls vice versa. Unmarried rate throughout life is increasing as well. Love is not for everybody. Only few of lucky people can experience it. As the technology advances, seemingly it is leading the society to the direction.


Valentine’s Day is tightly connected with commercial activities especially for chocolate and confectionery industry in Japan. There is a huge market for it, however the trend is changing. It is said Halloween market came to exceed that of Valentine’s a few years ago. It is rather strange since we Japanese don’t know much of the meaning of Halloween.


(I made these orange peel chocolate some years ago for my husband, family, and students.)


Some girls still confess their love for boys, and it’s a wonderful excuse I believe. But there are more varieties in Japanese Valentine’s Day and that’s the reason why Japanese culture is so intriguing.


There are 4 categories for chocolate. “Honmei Choco; true heart chocolate” one for your love, “Giri Choco; obligatory chocolate” one for your male boss and male coworker to make your work smooth, “Tomo Choco; friends chocolate ” one for your friend, and “Gohoubi Choco; treat chocolate” one for yourself as a treat.


It is said nowadays girl students enjoy making chocolate for friends and they exchange at school, they are so fond of the event. But at the same time, I feel that time has changed indeed… Back in 1990’s when I was a junior high school student, Valentine’s Day was a big and exciting, greatly memorable event. And there didn’t exist “Tomo Choco; friends chocolate” nor “Gohoubi Choco; treat chocolate for yourself”.

今では子供達がチョコレートを作り学校で交換し合うのが流行っているそうで、そのイベントを楽しんでいる様です。そんな話を聞くと、時代は変わったなあ、と思わずにはいられません。私が中学生だった1990 年代、バレンタインデーは大きな勝負の日で、「友チョコ」や自分への「ご褒美チョコ」というものは存在していませんでした。

I liked a boy who was good looking, and he had a little bit of bad boy atmosphere. There was a rumor at school that he liked me, so I came to be interested in him. We were in a different class, so we never talked one another. But we often saw eye to eye. I used to count how many times we saw one another a day. It was such cute days of mine.


I heard from a friend that he would be very glad if I gave him a Valentine’s Chocolate. So, rolled up my sleeves and made a plan and fixed homemade chocolate for him. To tell the truth, it was not that special, I just melted a bar of chocolate into small cups and sprinkled some toppings and that’s it. However, when I gave my heartfelt chocolate, he gave me a big smile and that was so sweet memory of my young days…


As there is Valentine’s Day, and there is White Day one month later in Japan. March 14th is the day for a boy to reply for the love confession. That’s the day for a boy to give back a present of cookies or mash marrows to a girl if he also likes her. I got a big present form my crush as a return and a very first love letter came together. I read it back hundreds times.


It happened 30 years ago and but I feel like it was just yesterday. And I wonder if it’s still the same for students nowadays?


When I was writing, I noticed a thing that Japanese are so good at making rituals and customs accordingly and neatly. That’s another unique aspect of Japanese culture.


To fall in love and experience emotions sometimes fantastic and at times painful is one of the best things in life. Whether your love bear fruit or not, you can learn and grow from going through those beautiful moments, I believe.


Happy Valentine’s Day! Abundant blessings to you all!


Girls, be ambitious!

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