Teatime Traveller

Westminster Abby, travel the world, good memories, お茶の時間、日本語、learn Japanese, Japanese sweets, light to darkness,ティータイム

For more than two years, we are unable to go abroad. Working from home online and staying at home almost all the time. Convenient for sure, but something is missing. And I believe many of you are dreaming of traveling around the world. Not pathetic, tragic, mean-hearted, cunning, scheming things filled with this world, but something beautiful, lovable, jolly, rare, delicious, and cheerful, I want to write about. Like Court Lady of 1,000 years ago Lady Sei Shonagon, I desire to construct “an enchanting world”. So here I want to share my records of teatime around the world one by one. It’s a great pleasure if you could bring back good old memories and feel reminiscent for a while. Maybe sipping a cup of coffee.


★To begin with, I want to write about tea time at cafe of London Westminster Abbey; cream tea. Cream tea is tea time of enjoying scones with clotted cream and jam while having tea. Westminster Abbey is UNESCO world heritage site, the cathedral that has inseparable long history with the British Royal Family. Surprisingly enough, the bells were rang for quite a while and Prince William and his wife came out that time.


★Teh Tarik at Singapore Street Hawkers. Teh Tarik means drawing tea in Bahasa Melayu, drawing tea with much condensed milk from high place between two cups number of times. My major in university was Malaysian, and learned about this tea preparing for home-stay program in summer when freshman. After the home-stay in Malaysia, we four of the girls became backpackers and managed to reach Singapore. I can’t forget the excitement when drank Teh Traik for the very first time.

シンガポールの屋台ホーカーズで飲んだTeh Tarik (テータリック)は、マレー語で引っ張るお茶という意味。練乳をたっぷり入れた紅茶を、何度も二つのコップの間で高い位置から移し替えて、引っ張って作るお茶のこと。大学がマレーシア語専攻で、一年生の時に夏休みのホームステイの準備として予備知識として学んだこの練乳紅茶を、マレーシアでのホームステイの後に、女子四人旅で辿り着いたシンガポールで飲んだ時の感動は、今も忘れられません。

★Time descended and revisited Singapore for the honeymoon. Had luxurious tea time, High Tea at Raffles Hotel. Sir Raffles was the governor of Singapore when the time of English colony. The Great Britain brought Tea Time culture to Singapore and High Tea became thriving. Learn world history and experience different cultures by traveling around the globe is utterly enchanting.


★Oolong tea at Kyufun Taiwan, Hanging in the Air Tea Salon. Taiwan Enka Blues was on, warm sea breeze gently touched my cheeks, and me and best friend together, blissful moments indeed. Several years later revisited Taiwan and having full of mango on top of shaved ice was amazing as well. Got on a mount-climbing train and saw oolong tea fields in the misty rain from the window, another good memory.


★Salty sweet cocoa at Dunkin Donuts in New York. The salty punch in the sweetness represented and embodied New York impeccably, very aggressive and pushy yet irresistibly attractive.


★Peaceful taste of milk shake at peaceful village of Alaska. Went for a drive to see spectacular glaciers that is UNESCO world heritage site, had a picnic for lunch at the park in front of the glaciers. My friend stuck marshmallows with picked up small branches and baked them for me. It was so lovey and darling.


★Trip to the ancient city of Cardiff Wales by express train from London. The small European city that seemed not changed much for hundreds of years. The traditional architecture designs were so peculiar and intriguing. Bought caffe latte at a coffee house and drank it sitting on the lawn at the spacious park filled with beautiful greenery. There were boys kicking up a rugby ball so high. Yes, the national sport of Wales is rugby.


★Herbal tea with lecturer of University of Iceland at her office. She studied Japanese home-staying in rural Tohoku region that is deserted northern part of Japan. Her bookshelf was filled with festive atmosphere of Japan decorating a goblin mask and such. Folk tale books and ghost books of Japan were eye-catching.


★Caffe latte at the airport of Seoul. Husband and I were so into Korean dramas at that time, putting coffee foam on my mouth telling a line from the drama “Oh, this woman is pretending…” Silly couple indeed. Ha. At a historical district of Seoul, we had Omija-cha tea at Korean traditional architecture cafe that is so nostalgic and cozy. Omija-cha means five taste tea, it is consisted of five elements of sour, bitter, sweet, hot, and salty. The ruby color is adorable. Relaxing and laid-back time was going on.


★Chocolate shake at Shanghai McDonald’s. In Shanghai, only at stores of West capital of McDonal’s, Uniqlo, and Burger King, I was told “Thank you!” after shopping. At other stores I was thrown goods unsociably when paying. Indeed it is socialism of a communist country. Different culture serves up different experience.

上海のマクドナルドで飲んだチョコシェイク。上海では、マクドナルドとユニクロとバーガーキングという西側資本のお店でだけ、ものを買ってThank you!と言われました。他の店ではポイと投げ捨てられる様に無愛想に商品を置かれて、嗚呼、共産主義国の社会主義。これもまた異文化体験。

★Gaufre that has tradition from the Medieval Ages in Lille France. The shop that has more than 250 years of history served me splendid confection with sweet butter aroma. Wondered if Marie Antoinette also favored this Gaufre.


★Caffe latte in front of a Hawaii hotel in the morning while listening chirping of birds. After that climbed Diamond Head and overlooked Oahu island. Made a trip there with mother and auntie and we loved stopping by LE SPORTSAC outlets whenever coming across. Enjoyed choosing over happily and each one of us bought our favorite bag.


★Matcha latte; green tea latte in Shimonoseki was served with latte art of Sakamoto Ryoma, the historical figure of Japan. When Ryoma was alive he was extremely busy running around the country. I bet he had zero anticipation that he would become latte art and be drunk up in the times to come.


★When Taiwan origin tapioka drink became popular in Japan, I became nuts with the texture of tapioka and even having a second service. In time of New Year’s feast, cutie niece when she was 7 asked if the black beans were tapioka. It was so innocent and charming, we laughed out so loud. She is the kid of this age.


Aya’s Cool Japan Blog, the purpose of this blog is to promote Japanese culture. However it turned out to be Aya’s Cool World Blog that shared teatime memories around the globe. Learn world history chronologically and study and experience cultures, languages, societies that are crossing borders by actually visiting foreign countries. Touch the air and smell it, eat local cuisines, visit historical remains and museums, use the local language that studied beforehand, interact with the locals, enjoy shopping and bring back the travel memories. I’m hoping that the days of affluent richness would come back soon. A little more to be patient, every one!

このブログは日本文化を発信するAya’s Cool Japan Blogと銘打っていますが、今回は世界各国を訪れた時の、お茶の時間の思い出を綴るAya’s Cool World Blogとなりました。世界史の縦の流れを学び、その歴史を横断する文化や言語や社会を学び、現地を訪れて、その空気に触れて、匂いを嗅いで、現地の料理を食べて、名所旧跡や美術館を訪れて、事前に勉強しておいた現地語を使ってみたり、その国の人々と触れあい、買い物をして旅の思い出を持ち帰る。またそんな心豊かな日々が戻ってきます様に。皆さん、もう、あと少しの辛抱です。

The world climate is in tense and turmoil, however I pray Love and Peace to the world.



Hina Dolls Festival

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