Plum Syrup and Hydrangea

plum syrup, hydrangea, Japanese folk remedy, 梅シロップ、民間療法、紫陽花、梅仕事、plum work, Japanography, ジャパノグラフィー、バイリンガル

Making plum syrup this year as well. ‘Plum Work’ is the work during rainy season (June, July) in Japan. It’s so muggy and unpleasant this period, but once starting this ‘Plum Work’, it’s so fun to work for. Now it’s sweltering, under the scorching heat August, and the plum syrup is becoming amber and thick. It was transparent and sleek a while ago, but it is changing day by day. It seems like it is a life, and it is living.


Hydrangeas in rainy season.


For the last couple of months, I was featuring some sort of specially highlighted articles. But in Japan there exists distinction between ‘special’ from ‘ordinary’ since ancient times (‘hare’ and ‘ke’). ‘Special’ is graduation or wedding that can be a milestone of one’s life, people put on ‘distinctive clothing’ on the special day. And ‘ordinary’ is just the same old day.


However, due to the widespread of SNS, it is common to share your one of those same old day adding up some special touch. Every day ornamented to be anniversary and people are ceaselessly seeking for something exceptional and peculiar, that made ‘special’ and ‘ordinary’ upside down. But people got tired of SNS and you might check others’, most of us upload own posts much less frequently. This is nothing but the ‘ordinary’ feeling. Same old same old, not bad at all.


This year I bought plums at a supermarket. Many of households have a plum tree in the garden, and from time to time I get them during rainy season. 1 kg plums were 660 yen. Firstly, I scooped up years before plum syrup from a big jar and poured into small ones.


The reason why I’m making plum syrup is primarily due to practice of folk remedy. When you have diarrhea or food poisoning, a sip of plum syrup resolves the symptom like a magic. A piece of Umeboshi is effective as well. Don’t know in detail, but according to Mr. Google, citric acid contained in plum is working.


Wash the jar and disinfect with boiling water, for the lids also. And dry up throughly under the sun. This process is crucial. If you make plum syrup while germs are on the lids or jar, it will be a big waste.


Pick up calyx one by one with a toothpick and prick the plums each with a fork. You must hurt the plums, otherwise plum liquid and syrup won’t harmonize. It is the same as human, you hurt someone and someone hurts you, but by forgiving and understanding one another, you make a long lasting relationship. If you stay away form others, you won’t get hurt. But your life will never unfold richly. Oh my, the plum syrup making is turning to a life lesson.


Crystal sugar is 1 kg same weight as the plums. Let it sleep in the kitchen corner and wait patiently for the sugar to melt and turn amber. Have a fixed-point observation and take photos. Here I’m recording the process of plum syrup maturing.


This summer, I’m not doing my job, but working like a mad researching and writing a thesis to establish a new academic genre named Japanography. Completely devoting myself for the Master’s thesis. Making plum syrup is the same as academic research: it is required much time, energy, perseverance, grit, and passion. It is the conclusion!


Love and Peace.

Sanrio and Peace Message

Minimalism/ Yes! No?

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