planting seeds in tears

Today, I’d like to write about planting seeds in tears. When you strive to create something valuable, of course it’s important to carry out the task with delight and it will transform into vigor, but often the times you come to confront with hardships and afflictions along the journey. Important thing is not to run away nor give it up. Keep planting seeds even though you are crying desperately. And the seeds you planted in tears will grow big and you are certain to reap with joyful songs.


I completed lecturing at WASABI Talk™️. The project has started form ground zero and everything was uncertain. However, the online program that I worked as a teacher lecturing Japanese culture in English and Japanese was able to reach out people not only in Japan but people in the Philippines and many Philippine kids attended WASABI Talk™️.

WASABI Talk™️にて講師を務める仕事を終えました。全くのゼロからの企画立案で、手探り状態の中から始動した、英語と日本語で日本の文化を講義するWASABI Talk™️というオンライン番組は、日本のみならずフィリピンにも届き、多くのフィリピンのチビッコ達が参加してくれる番組へとなりました。

The toughest part was that the deadline came every two weeks due to on-air schedule, I had to make a lecture script, power point slides, explanation papers for difficult words, while having a meeting, practicing by myself, and having a rehearsal. Within the schedule, I had to make a cover design for promotion and write announcement words. Each time after the broadcast, I went for a walk to make a plan for the next lecture. I worked this way for the last 6 months.


In the midst of COVID crisis, we wanted to share vibes of love and peace with people who learn Japanese culture in English and Japanese. For educational purpose, having lectures in English and Japanese while promoting the charm of Japan to the world was not an easy job. Even though we had lots of restrictions in money-wise and time-wise, we were able to create and expand the lectures this far. I’m proud of what we, just two of us, I and my partner have achieved.


And through the project of WASABI Talk™️, I came to picture a bigger vision. And I decided to tackle on the challenge that I’ve been dreaming for many years. Girls, be ambitious. We can picture a big dream and work diligently and we can make the dream come true. And I believe we can benefit many others along the way.

そしてこのWASABI Talk™️の事業を通して、また新しい大きな目標が自分の中で生まれました。長年の夢でもあったことに対して、一つ本気で挑戦をしようという気持ちが固まったのです。少女よ、大志を抱け。私達には、大きな夢を描いて夢中になって努力して、その夢を叶え、多くの人々の益となる仕事をする力があるのだと、私は信じています。

Above are cover designs we used for announcements. “Setsubun” “Valentine” “Hina Doll Festivel” “Sakura” “Bento” “Tsuda Umeko” “Manga” “Otaku” “Rainy Season” “Ikigai” and “Green Tea”, we hosted 11 lectures in total. Each time I made 30- minute-lecture from the keyword (1 hour for Q and A) and I was able to acquire the skill of editing designs. This is the fruit of my efforts, and at the same time it will become a big asset for my future study.


And significant discovery for myself that I was able to complete the difficult mission in spite of the painstaking situations gave me big confidence. Everyone, who attended WASABI Talk™️ and the readers of this blog, I want to represent my gratitude here. Thank you very much. I keep endeavoring, so please cheer me on.

置かれた状況がどんなに厳しくとも、自分には難しい任務を遂行する力が備わっていたという発見は、大きな自信にもなりました。WASABI Talk™️にてお目にかかりました皆様及びこのブログの読者の皆様、本当にありがとうございます。私はこれからも懸命な努力を続けて参りますので、どうぞご声援のほどよろしくお願い致します。

Love and Peace to the world!


IKIGAI lecture

Ancient Love; Hyakunin Isshu

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