New Year’s Celebration

♫ How many more days to sleep before New Year’s Day♫ I used to sing along this song when it turned December longing for New Year’s Day in my childhood. On New Year’s day, I could see all my beloved relatives, eat fabulous cousin, get gift money, and buy things richly that I dreamed of for so long with the gift money. All Japanese make a fresh start with the glorious celebration.

♫もういくつ寝るとお正月♫ 小学生の頃、12月に入ると毎日この歌を口ずさみ、床の中で早くお正月が来ますようにと、いつも指折り数えていました。お正月は大好きな親戚全員に会えて、おご馳走を食べ、お年玉をもらい、そのお年玉でずっと欲しかったものを羽振り良く買えるという、夢のような新年の幕開けです。

This feast is called “osechi-ryori” authentic New Year’s dishes that my friend family cooked. Traditionally, almost all the households used to prepare this style cuisine spending some days at the end of year, but nowadays many people buy ready-made “osechi-ryori”. However, homemade feast is so beautiful and it touches your heart, I believe.


My friend’s house is authentic Japanese style architecture and it represents Japanese spirit.


In Japan, Christmas came in after the world war Ⅱ, and it is influenced by western culture and it is more focused on commercial aspect. However, New Year’s Day is the most important big banquet that has long history.


People love to climb a mountain to pray for a rising sun on January 1st. Many of foreigners consider a picture of Mt. Fuji and a rising sun as a symbol of Japan. It is depicting the custom of praying for a New Year’s sunrise at Mt. Fuji.


Many people pay a visit to a shrine on the first 3 days of the year. And a first dream that you see at the beginning of the New Year brings happiness, we believe. We also treasure a first big laugh. On New Year’s day most of the TV programs are made to make people cheerful. We Japanese have this cultural foundation that to make a fresh start with a fresh hope is something joyful.


This charm is called “shimekazari” that you arrange at the entrance. It has a shape of crane that is believed to bring good luck.


In my childhood, rich uncle who runs a business gave me 10,000 yen for gift money. I felt as if I won a lottery! And one time I made a greeting “Happy New Year!” with a big voice and a big smile to a guest who visited my grandfather. He said “You are so cheerful. I give you gift money.” And he gave me 5,000 yen. I appreciate that I was loved and cherished since childhood, many people helped me to grow up believing that child is a treasure.


There is a saying “to give is happier than to receive”. One thing that I’m grateful that I became adult is that I know the joy of giving. “If you give abundantly, you will be given abundantly” The proverb implies that if you give something you’ll come to receive an unexpected good thing. Sometimes you come to receive something wonderful from someone else.


I believe that I came to know the joy of giving is that I was given affluently and gracefully in my childhood. Therefore, it doesn’t matter that I have a child or not. I want to cherish children, I want to help them grow with gentle affection and love. That is something I can return to the society. Children are precious gift for the world.


I wish you all have a prosperous and wonderful year 2020. Blessings to you all, I pray dearly.


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