<Chicken rice with carrot Shimeji mushroom and thinly fried Tofu, Egg roll, fried Tofu and Mitsuba leaf soup, roasted green tea/ 具沢山炊き込みご飯、卵焼き、厚揚げと三つ葉のお吸い物、ほうじ茶>
Cooking is fun. I’m not that skillful to brag up, but I like trying something new watching Instagram foodie movies and such. Once a week I go grocery shopping, and after putting groceries into the fridge, I see through the foods in there, then deep joy bubbling up from inside. “Oh, there’s so much to eat! So happy~!” Saying so each time, from deep down. Such a happy folk I am.

After new year’s break, I was commuting on a train and watching Instagram cooking recipe movies. Got so into it and got off at a wrong station. That time I was watching this fried rice cake.

I love pork and Umeboshi together. I also love smoked salmon with Nori seaweed, but smoked salmon became so expensive, and I miss it. So sad…

Potato soy milk potage, firstly fry onion with butter, microwave potato and peel off the skin, then put into a mixer with soy milk. Add up water and cubic consomme. Served this soup to my good friend when throwing a party the other day, and she was having a second helping. Yes!

Daikon mochi of Chinese snack, mixed up shredded daikon radish and fried shrimp and potato starch, then fried with sesame oil. With vinegar soy sauce and spicy Chinese oil. Heavenly!

In my neighborhood, I can buy uneven strawberries for 300-400 yen. Eating lots of strawberries each year. I’ve got to make strawberry yogurt bavarois.

Anago is a tenth cheaper than eel. So I make believe Anago as eel and eat it. But the taste is of course quite different…

Simple seasoning for pork, Eringi mushroom, sesame oil, salt and pepper is delish!

Deluxe Sin Ramen of Korean Sin Ramen. I was surprised when instant ramen was served in a Korean diner. Speaking of Korean, hamburger is pronounced as ‘hembogo’. Haven’t studied Korean for a while and I miss it. But if I do, I get so immersed into it. Therefore, I told myself now is the time to focus on my studies. Rice ball, I made a twist for green onion rice tried in a Korean BBQ restaurant.
Things got so complicated in this day and age. So I decided not to think about complicated matters other than work and studies. It was my biggest agony that I tended to think too much and having a too good memory. Hence it is sheerly wonderful that I can let go of my complexity so lightly. To get aged is admirable! And I do love delicious foods!
Love and Peace.