My Cooking Journal

Japanese cooking, everyday Japanese cooking, Washoku, 料理ブログ、バイリンガル料理紹介、和食、小石原焼、萩焼、有田焼、伊万里焼、美濃焼、上野焼

<Chicken rice with carrot Shimeji mushroom and thinly fried Tofu, Egg roll, fried Tofu and Mitsuba leaf soup, roasted green tea/ 具沢山炊き込みご飯、卵焼き、厚揚げと三つ葉のお吸い物、ほうじ茶>

Cooking is fun. I’m not that skillful to brag up, but I like trying something new watching Instagram foodie movies and such. Once a week I go grocery shopping, and after putting groceries into the fridge, I see through the foods in there, then deep joy bubbling up from inside. “Oh, there’s so much to eat! So happy~!” Saying so each time, from deep down. Such a happy folk I am.


<fried rice cake with soy powder and sugar, Takuan pickles, roasted green tea/ かき餅、沢庵、ほうじ茶>

After new year’s break, I was commuting on a train and watching Instagram cooking recipe movies. Got so into it and got off at a wrong station. That time I was watching this fried rice cake.


<fried pork and Enoki mushrooms with Umeboshi, simmered Karei fish with soy sauce, miso soup with lots of veggies, roasted green tea/ 豚とエノキの梅干炒め、カレイの煮物、具沢山味噌汁、ほうじ茶>

I love pork and Umeboshi together. I also love smoked salmon with Nori seaweed, but smoked salmon became so expensive, and I miss it. So sad…


<Genovese bacon pasta with fried egg, potato soy milk potage, Daikon radish salad, roasted green tea/ ベーコンのジェノベーゼパスタと目玉焼き、じゃが芋の豆乳ポタージュ、大根サラダ、ほうじ茶>

Potato soy milk potage, firstly fry onion with butter, microwave potato and peel off the skin, then put into a mixer with soy milk. Add up water and cubic consomme. Served this soup to my good friend when throwing a party the other day, and she was having a second helping. Yes!


<steamed pork and Chinese cabbage, Daikon mochi of Chinese snack, miso soup, roasted green tea/ 豚と白菜の蒸し物、大根餅、お味噌汁、ほうじ茶>

Daikon mochi of Chinese snack, mixed up shredded daikon radish and fried shrimp and potato starch, then fried with sesame oil. With vinegar soy sauce and spicy Chinese oil. Heavenly!


<bacon and egg fried rice, grated Daikon radish with tiny fish, Tofu seaweed green onion soup, strawberries, roasted green tea/ 厚切りベーコンと卵のチャーハン、大根おろしとジャコ、豆腐とわかめとネギのお吸い物、いちご、ほうじ茶>

In my neighborhood, I can buy uneven strawberries for 300-400 yen. Eating lots of strawberries each year. I’ve got to make strawberry yogurt bavarois.


<Anago fish rice bowl with egg and Nori seaweed, boiled Komatuna spinach, leftover miso pot, roasted green tea/ 錦糸卵入りあなご飯、小松菜のお浸し、前日の味噌鍋の残り、ほうじ茶>

Anago is a tenth cheaper than eel. So I make believe Anago as eel and eat it. But the taste is of course quite different…


<Eringi mushroom rolled with pork fried with sesame oil, boiled rapeseed buds with spicy seasoning, Eringi mushroom seaweed thinly fried tofu miso soup, roasted green tea/ 豚のエリンギ巻を胡麻油炒め、菜の花の柚子胡椒和え、エリンギとわかめとアゲの味噌汁、ほうじ茶>

Simple seasoning for pork, Eringi mushroom, sesame oil, salt and pepper is delish!


<Korean Sin Ramen with fried minced chicken spinach Shimeji mushroom and egg, rice ball of tiny fish sesame oil green onion with Korean Nori seaweed, roasted green tea/ 辛ラーメンに鳥ミンチしめじほうれん草炒めと温泉卵を入れたもの、ジャコネギ胡麻油醤油入りお結び韓国のり巻き、ほうじ茶>

Deluxe Sin Ramen of Korean Sin Ramen. I was surprised when instant ramen was served in a Korean diner. Speaking of Korean, hamburger is pronounced as ‘hembogo’. Haven’t studied Korean for a while and I miss it. But if I do, I get so immersed into it. Therefore, I told myself now is the time to focus on my studies. Rice ball, I made a twist for green onion rice tried in a Korean BBQ restaurant.


Things got so complicated in this day and age. So I decided not to think about complicated matters other than work and studies. It was my biggest agony that I tended to think too much and having a too good memory. Hence it is sheerly wonderful that I can let go of my complexity so lightly. To get aged is admirable! And I do love delicious foods!


Love and Peace.

Sanrio Puroland!

Commencement, Kyoto University of the Arts

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