Moss Studies of Japan

Moss Studies, Kyoto Moss Garden, 苔、コケ学、侘び寂び、wabi sabi, Moss and tranquility, 静寂、和の文化、苔の魅力、 学問を作る、making a new study genre

In this article, I’d like to pick up a theme about moss. The theme of moss has been in my mind for more than a year, and I was thinking of it from time to time. But it took long to find the best facet angle of writing and the view point. Though I take it as a sign that the content matured just like moss grows taking good amount of time.


The reason why I write about moss dates back June of last year when I participated in online open lectures of Fukui Prefectural University. The open lectures were sheerly interesting and they offered various genre of lectures, I was taking notes while having much intellectual stimulations. And I joined excitedly for a month. Among them, I was captivated by a lecture of “Japanese traditional culture of cherishing moss” that was quite peculiar and wondrous in a sense.


Here I list up striking points of the lecture.


・Japanese culture is surrounded with moss, moss garden, nature, Mononoke; super natural being
・Japan is surrounded with moss the most in the world, both amount and species
・ Mononoke; super natural being comes out in “forest of moss”? Seems Mononoke and moss are good match
・The lyrics of “become mossy” in the national anthem
・A poem of moss “Time went by, And it became godly, Without knowing, As moss grows, Under the cedar of Kaguyama mountain” in Manyo Shu; the most ancient poetry of Japan
・The weather of Japan is suitable for moss, not subtropical but rains a lot and humid, not too hot
・Image of moss, growing in mountain village distant from a capital city
・If the humidity is a little high, moss likely to grow a lot
・Image of a monk or a hermit
・Image of moss is not noisy, image of tranquility
・The structure of moss actually absorbs sounds, moss induces silence
・Image of moss is eternal time, death, tranquility, monk, hermit
・Leaf of moss is extremely thin and transparent
・The transparent color of moss is tasteful
・Moss absorbs water from the leaves directly
・Moss is very sensitive to the environment, uncontrollable
・The transparent and calm green appearance is linked with Wabi Sabi
・Tea ceremony culture, Sen no Rikyu made a poem of moss, about once-in-a-life-time-occasion and Wabi Sabi
・Moss and moss garden, tea ceremony, and flower arrangement; Kado are interconnecting

・万葉集にも苔が詠まれている 「いつの間も 神さびけるか 香具山の 桙杉の末に 苔生すまでに」

I learned that moss is basically studied in Taxonomy of Biology. However, Prof. Ohishi Yoshitaka of Fukui Prefectural University made a new genre of Moss Studies in Kyoto University graduate school combining moss ecology and cultural anthropology together. He is still quite young, but his lecture is so very popular and students have to draw lots to attend the class. In the Q and A time, I asked a question of making a new study genre. The answers and encouragement I got turned out to be one of my guide lines.


Prof. Ohishi: “Learning starts from mimicking from others. But when making a new Moss Studies, I had tough time that I couldn’t follow others. Advice for making a new study genre, be patient and persevere not to compare yourself with others. You see others at times but don’t be too conscious. When challenging something that nobody ever tried, it takes time to bear fruit. Important tip is to be persistent. Finding a job opening was the most difficult, but if you have your speciality and other related ability it counts. It’s crucial to master something the society widely accepts. “


For a researcher who is also a frontier, it is a huge challenge that there is no prior research that one can follow the footstep. It is for sure making something from scratch is like a marble pattern of rejoicing and agonizing.


Few days after attending the online open lecture, I watched NHK world “Japanology plus” that Prof. Ohishi was featured and I went for a moss walk. The walking path is the same as always, but seeking for moss while walking brought me different point of view and sense of wonder. The walking time is getting a little richer. And I fully appreciated tranquil moments with moss. Found moss in the gutters, shady spots, side of rice field, water place near a shrine, under a park bench, and shade of trees. Also moss was growing on tree trunks.

講義の数日後に、大石先生出演のNHK world “Japanology plus” を観て、苔散歩に出かけました。普段の散歩道と同じ道でも、苔を探しながら歩くということは、いつもとは違う視点や想像力をもたらしてくれて、ささやかな日常がほんの少し豊かなものになって行きます。そして静かな苔との時間を味わいました。苔は、側溝や陰となった場所、田んぼの脇、お宮の近くの水飲み場、公園のベンチの下、樹木の陰にありました。そして樹木にも生えていました。

Surely moss was there in cool and moist places. And it was in quiet surroundings. There were water moss and various kinds that I could recognize. It was fluffy and soft when touched, but many were dry after days of scorching heat. And the most interesting thing that I learned was that moss was actually in a quiet place, as Prof. Ohishi explained it absorbs sounds structurally.


Looking back my childhood, moss growing on big stones at granny’s house or moss on the hill side of the back of the house are connecting with memories of tranquility. It is something meaningful that our 5 sense and intuitions are most likely to be correct. And it is under the workings of the mother nature.


In the COVID crisis, we became so unfree, one movement and one action of others turned out to be our stress. Each of us became less and less generous, and complaints increased remarkably. In the mean time, I was able to know about Moss Studies by participating in an online open lecture. Go for a walk to seek for moss and find wonder in moss at my feet. It was so peaceful and comforting time.


Every thing has front and back, yin and yang. On the flip side of COVID crisis, I had plenty of time going for a walk and reflecting upon myself. And I ponder over moss and my study theme of Japanese culture. I believe I’m experiencing something worthy. In the times of walking, some small factor and other small element make a click and connect one another. Like moss grows something new sprouts inside of me and it is raised little by little.


Looking for moss stepping a step one by one. I go walk not in rush, but keeping up my satisfying pace. This might be something I also learned from Moss Studies. The joy of transformation that moss of being a part of scenery into an object of consider was small yet beautiful. I believe that readers of this blog can find some kind of new ideas here as well.


Love and Peace.

Audrey, the beautiful spirit

The Love of OTAKU

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