Hi there! This is the third topic of green tea. Today, I want to write about green tea and Japanese ladies mentality. It is interesting that the tradition of tea ceremony and the elegance & the art of women are so deeply connected in this culture. It is getting old-fashioned but 30-40 years ago, there was a word called “bride training”. To become a good wife, who is capable and smart, a girl in her 20s was supposed to learn tea ceremony, flower arrangement, and cooking rather than making her own career. There is another old-fashioned idea, following her husband from 3 steps behind. However it is not quite right to interpret it as chauvinism. At the bottom of this spirit, there is a strong belief that to respect someone you care so much and you make a great effort to make the person happy. And this is nothing but the spirit of Japanese tea ceremony.

However, the number of girls who do “bride training” and not have a job is getting very few. Independent girls who have their own career is more likely to get married. In this day and age, many women keep having a job after getting married and support the house economy. To rely on the husband’s income only and to become a house wife is not very common. As the social structure is changing, young girls who learn tea ceremony before marriage is getting very rare.
The spirit of tea ceremony is the spirit of hospitality. You think hard for your guest what to do from days before. You prepare as much as you can and serve tea and confectionery in a room with lovely flowers. The tea ceremony is one of Japanese art that has been cherished for hundreds of years. And in high school here we have a club activity of the tea ceremony. Younger generation is coming to reevaluate the value of the Japanese spirit, so I heard it’s quite popular. Japanese ladies are so gentle in general and respect others and help others spontaneously. And I believe that this beautiful genes of hospitality has been inherited for thousands of years in this country.
That’s all for today.Hope you enjoyed reading this article. Blessings to each one of you!