Ginkakuji Temple and Moss

銀閣寺、Ginkakuji Temple, Kyoto, UNESCO world heritage site, ユネスコ世界遺産、wabi sabi, コケ学、Moss Studies, Japanese garden, 日本庭園、moss garden in Kyoto, 京都の苔庭

Visited Ginkakuji Temple started building by the Shogun of the age, Ashikaga Yoshimasa in the mid 15th century. Was completed after the death of him. National treasure and UNESCO world heritage site as it is, and I walked and walked to get there seeing Daimonji mountain on the back. When strolling around the city of Kyoto, you find cultural heritage here and there that read in textbooks and such. Feeling like becoming a historical figure and walking around is nothing but enchanting.


↓↓↓Click below to know the history of Ginkakuji Temple.
Ginkakuji Temple Wikipedia

Passed Philosophical Path that numbers of philosophers spent pondering.


Finally arrived at Ginkakuji Temple.


Standing in the moss garden that absorbed much water after rain, I feel like having a time travel to the mid 1400s all by myself. Deep green on the ground, Wabi Sabi garden atmosphere, and the authentic Ginkakuji Temple interweaving all together.


I’m interested in Moss Studies that Prof. Ohishi Yoshitaka established in the Kyoto University that is widely fusing Moss Ecology, Cultural Anthropology, History, and Literature. From time to time I go walking to find moss with a book of Prof. Ohishi. So it was utterly a precious time to stand in the holy ground of moss garden still early in the morning that was fully moist after rain, as it is written “Garden culture of Kyoto that is the mecca of Japanese garden is highly influential for the establishment of moss gardens. “


Previous blog article of Moss Studies 以前書いたコケ学についての記事
Moss Studies of Japan

Coming back from Kyoto and checked up the book of Prof. Ohishi, and found out there were various kinds of moss living in Ginkakuji Temple. Moss structurally absorbs sounds, and it brought me sense of wonder that even though there were lots of tourists it was surrounded with tranquility.


Walked in the premises for an hour or so. Inhaled deeply and appreciated the aroma of the garden. On the hill side, a gardener was sweeping fallen leaves with various kinds of small bamboo brooms and getting organized the whole garden. Making a garden into a piece of art work that can be seen beautiful from any angle, harmonizing with nature adding human touch is the tradition of elegance of Heian aristocrats from the 8th century.


Not just seeing a scenery that is vanishing from the memory, but observing carefully and finding out history on the back or people’s mind there, then things approach closer to you with width and depth. I came to understand this just recently. By seeing, discovering, observing things with sense of wonder, there can be found a rich world that is hidden underneath. It took such a long time to reach out this recognition of the truth. Ginkakuji Temple was entirely beautiful.


Love and Peace

「苔三昧 モコモコ・うるうる・寺めぐり」大石善隆、岩波書店、2013年

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