Hello. Now that corona virus, aka COVID 19 is worldly pandemic, and here in Japan all the schools from elementary schools to high schools are closed for 2 weeks. We’re going through emergency state that we’ve never experienced before. Speaking of myself, all the events that I was so looking forward to were cancelled such as concert, lecture, and business meeting. I had to cancel my job as well. In Asian countries, people often put on mask for protection form illness, and the supply of the mask is in short. And on the internet masks were sold unbelievably high price. I sewed masks for myself and put it on when going shopping and such.
I shouldn’t complain that my job was cancelled. Instead, I was holding a strategy meeting all by myself for the future goals to come true, drawing a big map in detail. If I’m determined to climb up the highest mountain, to be gritty is everything. Therefore, I was training my spirit by brisk walking for a long distance. And I was reading back magazines covering foreign countries. And I saw plenty of beautiful cuisines. I love eating and kept telling my husband that I want to spoil and pamper myself with gastronomy. Human nature is so self-centered. In an emergency state like this, my instinct was stimulated with and craving for fabulous cuisines more than anything.
And fortunately, we were able to make a reservation for our favorite seafood restaurant and we went out so excitedly. And look at the amazing dishes!

The name of the restaurant is “AQUA” located in Fukuoka prefecture Gannosu area. It is a seafood restaurant, French Italian fusion style. The chef is a perfectionist and everything was so meticulous. Each dish is so elaborate and you will be impressed with his aesthetics and pride toward cooking.

In Western countries, I visited Seattle, Alaska, Hawaii, New York, London, Wales, Southern Germany, Northern France, and Iceland. Compared with them, I believe French Italian fusion restaurants in Japan are outstanding. When analyzing the quality from various aspects, such as attitude and diligence of chefs toward gastronomy, reasonable price, and freshness of ingredients like seafoods and vegetables, Japan is superb.
Wild king salmon in Alaska was fantastic, beef pie in London was utterly delicious, cheese and sausage in Germany were wonderful, scallop cream pasta and escargot and boiled egg and macaron in France were exquisite, and I was deeply touched with lamb stew in Iceland. And each one of them was so very special.
However, the variety of choices of restaurants and the thoroughgoing kaizen spirit of chefs in Japan are top notch. In Western countries, gastronomy is very expensive and it is 30%~50% more expensive than that of Japan. Compared with that Japanese enjoy it much more frequently. The number of restaurants is a lot and the competition is severe, so it is hard to survive for restaurants. Washoku, Japanese cooking is acknowledged as UNESCO world heritage, and there coexists amazingly fruitful culinary culture and reasonable price range at the same time.
That’s all for today. I sincerely pray that COVID 19 would get settled soon, and I pray that everyone’s daily life would get back to normal in no time. I want to take this opportunity to recognize that how blessed I have been. And I pray that each one of us become generous and help one another rather than criticize each other. And furthermore, after everything is settled, please do come visit Japan to have fun. Japan, my beloved country is still so lovely and charming!
Abundant blessings to each one of you, I pray.