Enchanting Eel Cuisines

鰻、eels, 食べる喜び、joy of eating, foodie, Japanese cuisine, 清少納言、枕草子、The Pillow Book, Lady Sei Shonagon, うなぎ、博多、にほんご

Grilled eel with savory sauce/ 鰻の蒲焼、うざく、うまき、肝吸い

Something that is utterly enchanting; eels, aroma of Japanese pepper, jolly laughter, the time waiting for eels to be cooked, sitting in a tatami room, sipping green tea, and chatting congenially.


Read back The Pillow Book and think over lists of things, and I was associating something enchanting. Adoring court lady Sei Shonagon of 1,000 years ago who depicted something beautiful and fascinating and I appreciate this precious moment. Lady Sei Shonagon did not write about evil and pathetic things filled in the world that are sad, agonizing, tearful, and cunning.


In the COVID crisis, it was restricted to go eating out. And finally, we were able to go to an eel cuisine restaurant, that we’ve been looking forward for half a year. When looking at the tragic sides of the COVID, I was also depressed and trapped in the thoughts of sadness and agonies countless times. But I managed to survive through by making contacts with family and friends closely and encouraging one another. And I was given wisdom from those who have gone before us emitting light of hope in spite of experiencing rigorous and excruciatingly painful situations. And, I also desire to leave messages of hope.


In a book it is written eel cuisines are special for Japanese diet. 70% of eel fishery is eaten by Japanese in the world. The oldest record of eel cuisine for summer nutritious diet is written in the most ancient poetry of Japan “Manyo Shu”. ( “Manyo Shu” was written taking more than a hundred years and believed to be completed in around 806)


I declare to you
Catch an eel and eat it
People say it’s good

For summer weight loss
(Otomono Yakamochi)


Eels became popular for the common people in Edo period (1600~1867) as laborer’s food. One theory says Hiraga Gennai who was an exceptional inventor made up a catch copy for promoting eels to eat for the dog days in midsummer. And there’s a hilarious story in rakugo: traditional comic storytelling. A stingy guy in a poor terrace house was eating a bowl of rice smelling aroma of grilling eels from the next door eel diner. Eels have been loved and cherished in Japanese culinary history for so long. Now that they turned to be expensive and eels fish-farmed in Japan are especially delicious, I can eat them only a couple of times a year. And it was definitely the most gorgeous dinner of the year.

鰻は江戸時代 (1600~1867) には労働者の食べ物として庶民に広がって行った。一説によると、奇妙キテレツな発明家であった平賀源内が鰻のキャッチコピーを考えて、土用の鰻を宣伝して行ったという話もある。そして、ケチな貧乏長屋の男の話で、隣の鰻屋の鰻を焼く匂いで米をかき込んでいたという落語もあるほど、鰻料理は日本人の暮らしに溶け込み、長い歴史を刻みながら愛され続けて来た食べ物だ。現在は高級料理となり、日本産の鰻は特に美味しいとされ、私が鰻を食べるのは年に一、二回。今回の鰻は、今年食べたものの中で間違いなく一番のご馳走だった。

Eel cooking in Kochi prefecture was salty, not sweet and savory one that I usually eat. Such a lovely nostalgia.


Something utterly enchanting; delicious eels and the happy time enjoying them with loved ones laughing happily. We take care of each other and support one another. But you shouldn’t take it for granted. People around you care for you, and you care for them, and we live along loving each other. The most valuable lesson we learned from the COVID pandemic was the heart “to care for one another”. It is the most important, yet sometimes underestimated value. If you eat something delicious with others, it will be more delicious and worthy. And you wish you can share it with someone. I think people call it LOVE.


Love and peace to the world.


*「1日1ページ、読むだけで身につく日本の教養365」監修 齋藤孝 発行所 株式会社文響社

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