B league, the Basketball

B league, B リーグ、バスケ、プロバスケ、佐賀バルーナーズ、クリスタル・ケイ、バスケ観戦、佐賀アリーナ、Basket Ball in Japan, バイリンガル、バイリンガルブログ

B league is incredibly exciting! Our friend couple insisted so and invited us to watch the pro basketball match in Saga Arena. Stage direction before the match, super speedy game, dance of cheer leaders, and half time show of Crystal Kay, were all way beyond my expectation. Literally it’s mind-blowing!


The showtime for about 3 hours was brimmed with excitement one after another. And first impression when stepping into the arena was “Much like America! So cool and super!”


Professional basketball league; B league was launched in Japan in 2016. At that time media was promoting B league avidly and came across plenty of the cover stories on newspaper and internet. 8 years later, B league got settled. And our friend couple bought the tickets cheaply and we welcomed the day.


While I was witnessing the progress of American culture imported to Japan, my heart was filled with sweet sentiment reminiscing sparkling youthful days that I was immersed in American culture.


This is how players having warm-up. When seeing balls thrown into nets nonstop, some sort of glee bubbling up. Basketball is addictive sports that induces strong fancy and intoxication.


Each time our supporting team scores, we raise up arms high with joyous shouts. The venue emits magnetic power and swirling up the excitement, feel as if circulating ignited by the ginormous energy. And the dynamism of actually being at the spot was beyond description. It’s super speedy sports and scored one after another in a blink of second. The audience jump up from the seat when seeing dunk shot or super play, the moment of shaking net with good shot was so striking.


Seeing the play style of each, one makes a shot aggressively, another overviews the whole game and gives directions while multitasking. So intriguing that each personality is directly reflected upon the play style.


Laser beams, sound effect, music, and stage effect were like at a concert. The hyper energy was boiling up. For half time, Crystal Kay showed up and sang 2 songs. I danced and sang with her famous ‘Boy Friend’, recalling my junior high school days in a city of American Navy Base, Sasebo. I home-stayed in the US back in the days and went to school in Seattle for 2 weeks. My favorite class there was P.E. basket ball.

レーザー光線、音響、音楽、演出は、まるでコンサートに来たいみたいでテンションは爆上がりだ。ハーフタイムにはクリスタル・ケイが登場して、二曲歌ってくれた。彼女の代表曲 ‘Boy Friend’ を私も一緒にノリノリで歌う。そして基地の街佐世保の中学生だった頃を思い出す。その頃アメリカにホームステイして、シアトルの中学校に二週間通った時に一番好きだった授業は、体育のバスケの授業だったな、と。

The audience was about 6,800 people, much less than that of soccer or baseball, and I was soaked in the special blessing. The exceptional sensation like a dream land was the supreme experience of entertainment. In addition to that, Saga Ballooners got clear-cut victory.


Going to pro basketball game was first experience, and I rate 5 stars for the new era entertainment. Live show is the best for not only sports, and cheerleaders were so kawaii emitting kawaii particles twinkling maximumly. Also, perceive and ponder the way of American culture actually settling in Japan was so amusing.


Love and Peace!

Japanese History Catalogue

Yamashita Kiyoshi Exhibition

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