Ancient Love; Hyakunin Isshu

In ancient Japan, a bud of literature was sprout from Waka; traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one letters. Today, I’d like to write about Hyakunin Isshu that has been cherished greatly for more than 1,000 years. The more I learn Japanese history and culture, the more I get mesmerized. I do hope my intellectual excitement and deep inner joy would reach out many people on the globe.


Hyakunin Isshu English Wilipedia
百人一首 ウィキペディア

Hyakunin Isshu is officially called upon Ogura Hyakuninn Isshu. A poet named Fujiwara Teika (1162~1241) in Kamakura Era chose 100 poems from Asuka Era (592~710), Nara Era (710~794), Heian Era (794~1185), and Kamakura Era (1185~1333), 100 poems of 100 poets each and made an excellent anthology. The poets are from imperial family to begin with an emperor, aristocrats, monks, and women high-ranking officials. They wrote and expressed the beauty of the nature, secret love romance, and love for a child as a parent, all universal emotions, and love for all living things are composed.


For the last few days, I was listening to Hyakunin Isshu Waka poems and the explanations on You Tube, lying on the bed while dozing off. On You Tube you can find plenty of movies and sounds regarding Hyakunin Isshu. Now it’s in mid-summer and cicadas are buzzing noisily, but the atmosphere brings me wondrous feeling that I’m connecting with poets of 1,000 years ago transcending time and space.

ここ数日、ベッドに横たわり目を閉じてうつらうつらしながら、百人一首に詠まれた和歌と、その解説をYou Tubeで聞いていました。You Tubeには百人一首に関する動画や音声が沢山上がっています。今は盛夏となり、蝉の鳴き声かまびすしき風情もまた、一千年前の歌人達と何処かで繋がっている様な気持ちを運んで来てくれて、これもまた風流です。

I’ve never read in detail about Hyakunin Isshu, so I bought this book and now learning it. As name represents Hyakunin (100 persons) Isshu (one poem), there are 100 Waka traditional Japanese poems, and I found some poems that I knew. I studied them in Japanese class in junior high school and high school. I used to love Japanese class so much and can’t help but feeling nostalgia.


Spring gone
Summer seems arrived
White Kimono are aired
At Amano Kaguyama Mountain
(Emperor Jitoh)

Going out to see
The Pure white
On the peak of Mt. Fuji
It’s snowing
(Yamabeno Akahito)

The color of
Sakura cherry blossoms
Faded away nonchalantly
And I got old
While long rain lasted
I was absentminded
(Onono Komachi)

On a spring day
Sunlight shining calmly
Sakura cherry petals
Scattering away hastily
(Kino Tomonori)

Looking back my heart
After I met you
And made love with you
Until yesterday
I hadn’t been thinking anything
(Gon Chunagon Atsutada)

The influence of Hyakunin Isshu was extraordinary. It was not just an excellent anthology, it nurtured very rich culture. Clam-matching is one of them. A game separating bivalve clams into two pieces and finding the pair was born. Writing and painting Waka poems and picture inside of the clams, and upper phrase and lower phrase of a Waka poem written separately were called poem clams (utagai). These amazingly beautiful clam-matching shells are still crafted and sold today.


As times descended and in Azuchi Momoyama Era (1573~1600), a card game Hyakunin Isshu Karuta was born and it was widely loved in Edo Era (1600~1867). A game of not taking clams but taking Washi Japanese paper cards. For the rule, first and foremost it’s necessary to memorize all the 100 poems. When upper phrases of a poem (5,7,5,7,7 letters of 5,7,5) was read, one ought to find out a card of lower phrases (7,7 letters). The elaborate culture Heian Era aristocrats loved was literally marvelous and it was enriched affluently as times descended. And it is still thriving in this day and age. Thinking of the long history, my heart gets intoxicated.


A genre of literature, Tanka and Haiku originated in Waka is deeply loved and cherished in our daily life in Japan. Almost every day, you can find Haiku, Tanka, or Senryu of readers are introduced in newspapers. It is vastly and inseparably living inside of Japanese heart.


And the long tradition of Waka making in the Imperial Court in Asuka Nara Era (592~794) is passed on. Japan celebrates a royal ritual that is New Year Imperial Poetry Reading Party every January. Emperor throws the eminent ritual. Poems made and read by Imperial family are introduced on the media broadly every year, and some poems selected from the general public with honor are introduced as well. The ritual of New Year Imperial Poetry Reading Party brings the nation of Japan fresh and vibrant atmosphere. It is utterly a rejoicing and delightful event.


参考文献:「百人一首解剖図鑑」 著者 谷知子 発行所 株式会社エクスナレッジ

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