YOASOBI Live Report

YOASOBI, 夜を駆ける、群青、Ayase, Ikura, アンコール、幾田りら、YOASOBI電光石火ツアー、YOASOBIアイドル、夢を叶える、世界に誇るコンテンツ、YOASOBIIDOL、ヨアソビ

I went to see a live concert of YOASOBI, now that became the music contents that Japan is proud of. The concert venue in front of Kokura station was filled with great and exciting atmosphere waiting for to start. It was free to take photos to share on SNS, so many people were taking pics joyously. Concert goods were selling like a hotcake in the spacious hall next by and the festa itself was like celebrating the settling of the COVID pandemic.

日本が世界に誇るコンテンツ、YOASOBI のライブへ行って来ました。小倉駅前の西日本総合展示場で行われたコンサートは、始まる前からムンムンとした熱気に包まれており、写真を自由に撮ってSNSに上げて良いと言うこともあり、随所で撮影が行われていました。また、グッズの販売やガチャガチャなども、展示場の中を広く使って行われ、コロナが落ち着いたことを祝うようなお祭りが繰り広げられていました。

YOASOBI is promoted with experimental strategies focusing on internet market thoroughly, and all the music pieces are shared free on the net. During the COVID outbreak, the movie sites were viewed repeatedly and explosively, billions of times all over the world. The lyrics and music world Ayase creates based on novel stories, and the high tone yet rhythmical soothing voice of Ikura chan are intertwining enchantingly. I also watched their songs of ‘yoruni kakeru’, ‘Gunjo’, and ‘Anchor’ plenty of times.


My niece danced the song of ‘Gunjo’ for elementary school sports day, and I love singing with her, sometimes she shows us her dancing. In the lyrics “ah many pieces, yes many pieces, I kept drawing, ah many times, yes many times, the effort I heaped up became my weapon” it is sang so. When singing the phrase with niece, we can deeply unite one another, believing there are so many agonies and hardships but we can overcome, we keep working hard, and we can keep our sprit high.


YOASOBI is the unit of Ayase and Ikura chan, but the band member of the drums shared his memory on the stage, “Long ago, I used to play for a band in Kokura, and other members tortured me and I was crying at the stairs of Kokura station. This morning, I went to see the spot, but I told myself, today I perform as YOASOBI member on the stage. ” and he said “Now that YOASOBI is the music contents that Japan prides.”

YOASOBI自体はAyaseとIkuraちゃんの二人組のユニットですが、バンドメンバー紹介の時にドラムの方が、「自分は昔小倉でバンドをやっていて、メンバーに虐められて小倉駅の階段のところで泣いていた。その場所を今朝見に行ったけれど、今日、自分はYOASOBIとしてステージに立つんだと思って見て来た。」と話していました。そして「今では、YOASOBI は日本が世界に誇るコンテンツになった。」と。

And the composer Ayase said “When I was a teenager, I experienced a live concert that there was only one audience.” And the singer Ikura chan said “I say like in conclusion, but when singing in front of you all, we show only bright and sparkling side, but we’ve been performing music for so long, and we become muddy, even now, we struggle in the muddy place.” The story was so real and we could relate to ourselves. I also cried hundreds of times along the way. Reflecting upon the journey, tears dropped down from my eyes.


Follow your dreams, make your dreams come true. It is easier said than done. But it actually is a severe endless battle. And you have to win over, not the rivals, but yourself. Conquer yourself that at times feel like giving up that you can’t endure any more, throwing away all the efforts. It can be true that many of you experienced incredibly ugly issues that can’t make it public. And that kind of anguish could continue for years. But if you feel pity for yourself, you can’t never step in to broader world.


Once read that there is no beauty in easiness. Children and animals are beautiful because they are trying their very best, and a singer singing on the stage encourages you because you perceive something in the soul that the singer represents.


The age of internet means you got a cheap ticket to express yourself. But it depends fully on you how far you can go or what you do. Depending entirely on you either using it for something good or something evil. And the songs of YOASOBI are encouraging us, they make us believe that we also can act out something. They embrace us with the power of music for all generations. That night, I wanted to say “thank you” with all my heart.


Love and Peace…

Cat Culture Analysis

Current Kawaii Studies

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