(日本語タイトル:生命賛歌、チューリップ/ English title : Hymn of Life・Tulip/ 制作年:2007年/ USA ビバリーヒルズ市ガーデンパーズパーク/ Beverly Gardens Park at the corner of Rodeo Drive and Sant Monica Boulevard , フランス・リールにあるこのオブジェは、同名の絵画を元に作られました。This huge objet in Lille France was created from the same title painting.)
Hello, how are you doing? The other day, when I traveled to France I saw an objet created by Yayoi Kusama that is standing in front of a station in Lille. The objet is polka-dotted huge tulips and I got some quirky impression. I felt as if I heard some screaming voice of the artist, and the message was so vivid and sensational.

Avant-garde artist Yayoi Kusama is devoting herself to create art works with prayers for love and peace. Her dedication is extraordinary. Kusama has been suffering from mental disorder since childhood and she has been tortured by hallucinations that she is always seeing polka dots. Many of her drawings when child are filled with polka dots as well.
Kusama moved to New York when she was in her 20s, and she worked as an avant-garde artist there. She once said she was extremely poor and one time she picked up a piece of bread that was trashed on the street. Like Kusama who is suffering from mental disorder and possesses pure and sensitive heart, I wonder how she could survive the most rigorous city on the planet. New York is a place that can be described as a city that people who are nice to others are considered to be vulnerable and easy to be targeted. I wonder if Kusama was able to get used to a daily life that you would be yelled at harshly when you just ask back “pardon?”. I assume by the title of her book “Chronic Suicidal in Manhattan” that her days in the Big Apple were a day to day life that she managed to live along by changing her own living blood into the fuel of her lamp of life. It was like at a war place, I suppose.
草間は二十代の頃にニューヨークへ渡り、アバンギャルド・アーティストとして活動していました。貧困の為に道端に落ちていたパンを食べて飢えをしのいだ経験があるとも語っています。草間のように精神疾患を抱え、またそれが故の繊細で純粋な心を持ち続ける者にとって、「人に優しくする者は、その優しさにつけ込まれ、他者が攻撃しやすい対象となる」とも言えるような、世界で最も苛烈な都市で夢を追い求め続ける日々は、どれほど苦しく血を流すほどの痛みに満ちていたことでしょう。相手の言葉をPardon? と聞き返しただけで、物凄い形相をして怒鳴られるというような日常に、彼女は慣れることがあったのでしょうか。恐らく草間の自著「マンハッタン自殺未遂常習犯」の題名から察するに、そのニューヨークでの日々は、自分の生きている血潮をランプの燃料に変えて一日一日をなんとか乗り越えてゆくという、戦場のような毎日だったのではないかと推察します。
She carried on a “happening” here and there or extremely provocative exhibitions that she displayed hundreds of male sexual organs, I don’t think all the events she planned were carried out under meticulous strategies nor tactics. Rather than that all of those campaigns were her way of expression for the primitive matters of our lives. Her soul captured the impulse and she transformed it to her own art. Kusama is now 90 years old and she lives in a private mental institute, even today she devotes herself creating art during all the hours she is awake. Kusama is also a peace activist who confirms “for the sake of love and peace” .
In the Bible it is written that “God works in our weakness. Therefore we should be proud of our weakness.” Kusama possesses exceptional creativity because of her illness, and she is able to touch the string of hearts of others so powerfully. It is easy for us to understand that God worked in her weakness and turned it to big blessings. It sure is a gift from God.
Kusama cherishes some strong attachment toward pumpkins. The charming and a bit funny figure and the heaviness and a little sweet taste evokes a message of love and peace, she says. She often uses pumpkins for the art motifs. Artist finds out a special and unique meanings in details that people would not pay any attentions. And the artist would pick up the uniqueness cautiously and blow in soul and create it to be one and only art work. And people come to recognize the value of the art and support it, then the work is released from the artist and going to be more universal, in the end it becomes a common asset of human beings. I think the life of Kusama has been so long and winded, not very easy one. However, there are countless people who captured various inspirations from the works of Kusama. And we are encouraged by her way of living that she was always true to herself and her dedication toward art is genuinely one of a kind.
That’s all for today. Blessings to each one of you. Love & Peace!